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Y/N pov

This was the I was most awaited for, because now I know where are the mafias who killed my parents. I 9 years of hunting has been ended. Now the only thing awaiting is to kill them. I woke up with a bad head ache, the time was 8:30 am, I went down, they were staring at me. something is different today. And, of course I broke the rule. They were very much angry on me, I can see it in their eyes.

RM: Why are you late y/n?

Jin : do you not know that we hate this the most?

Suga: and your punishment is no breakfast.

Now y/n mood swings and hormones activated.

y/n : ok, that's good. when I am not feeling well, you want to punish me. Who are you to punish me? And I will be late today, because I have a mission, and do not give me punishment again for that, because it is my job.

Tae was about to say something, but was stopped by Jimin.

Jimin: ok we understand your feelings, but breakfast will not be served for you and don't call us today we are just so much busy to talk. ok? .

He told softly. But it did broke y/n's heart. she went from there to the mafia all by herself.

mafia: what are you doing here kid?

y/n : you know it. I am your grim reeper

mafia : wow what a funny sentence.

y/n: you do not know me, I have changed a lot.

mafia: ok, so let me see the change in you.

y/n fought for her life, but at last her clothes were ripped of. she was stabbed in her stomach, so that she wont run away. And she was almost raped. she somehow fought and killed him. The mansion were she lived was near and she cannot go to hospital since it is not an official operation. she somehow reached the house. she felt bad for what she did today to her brothers. Today is Sunday evening and she know her brothers are inside, and she was early than she imagined. she has no energy left, and the security guards helped her and when the members came, all of them were shocked and she was almost unconscious. she was taken to their clinic inside the house. Tae and Jin changed her dress, and they found that she was almost raped. and she was bleeding a lot. Tae and jin fixed her. Tae couldn't believe his eyes and broken down with trembling hands.

Jimin : Tae, we need you to do this for our princess. ok , so get hold of yourself and work.

All of them worked together and were able to bring her back to life.

Suga: I need to check her actually, but I cannot do right now, especially not without her permission and need to know if it hurts as well, only then we will be able to know that whether she has been raped or not.

Jimin : I will talk to her regarding that.

Suga : ok. Tae you ok?

Tae (fake smile): yah, of course

Jimin : no you are not.

Suddenly he started crying. everyone was shocked. He was able to let all out. Now he is ok. They found that y/n is awake and they went near her.

Jimin : you ok y/n?

y/n: mmmm

Tae: if you are ok, why did you do this to us? Do you know how much afraid we were? [teared up]

y/n: I am sorry for everything. I thought you will not love me anymore.

RM: who told you that? More than that we love you so much . ok?

Y/n : mmmmm

After many weeks y/n recovered and now she is talking to Jimin about random stuffs

Jimin : y/n, you know right, that I am a psychiatrist?

y/n: yes

Jimin: so that you can talk to me anything you want to. Even how you have been almost abused.

Y/n started to open up everything to Jimin, because now she is so close to him, than any other member.

Y/n : my real parents abandoned me, my adopted parents were murdered in a car accident and I want to revenge the person who killed my adopted parents and Uncle helped me a lot. And that day I killed him.

Jimin: y/n, you know we care for you a lot right?

y/n : yes

Jimin : y/n, we want you to get a check up, all of the members want to do a check up. But I think for now we should start with Suga Hyung. I hope you can understand the importance of the check up. and we are your brothers, there is nothing we can't see. we want you to be free from all those loose talks. Can you do that for us?

y/n thought for a while and she agreed at last.

Y/N: but can you stay near me.

Jimin : sure

Jimin was happy about your progress. And he called Suga to say this :

On The Phone:

Jimin : she agreed hyung, she want me near her, is that ok?

Suga: yah, that is good and you can be near her so that she can relax, which helps me a lot as well. Bring her now.

Jimin: ok, see you there then.

call ends.

Jimin: princess, get ready we are going now.

y/n : ok (she is afraid )

They reached the hospital.

In Suga's cabin.

Suga: y/n don't be afraid, I will not do anything against your will and this is for your good as well.

Y/n: (she shook her head as a yes)

Suga : Now can you go and lie on the bed.

y/n lied on the bed.

Suga: lets go Jimin.

Jimin : ok

Suga wore gloves and made y/n fold her legs so that he can check. he told her to relax. Then he used some lubricants to the fingers and slowly inserted his two fingers. y/n felt a small pain along with a cold sensation. Then he started to press her abdomen. she started crying because of the pain.

Y/N: aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!

Suga: shhhhh it is nothing. Just relax ok

Y/N : it is hurting a lot.

Suga: shhhh.. just give me 2 minute, it will be over. Do not worry m?

Y/n : no Please, it is hurting.

Suga has no option but to continue checking because it was for your good. Jimin took over to say sweet words to you.

Suga: Ok, now relax. it is almost over (and he twisted his finger, which make the pain increase a lot.)

y/n: how can this be over, it is hurting more now. Please, stop this.

Suga took out his fingers and with an assured smile, he came near you and gave you kiss on the forehead. He helped you sit back.

Y/n: it hurts a lot now.

Suga: it will hurt for sometime. You can lie down for sometime. and we can go home together. ok?

Y/n: ok

He helped you to lie down again.

Suga : Jimin come with me I need to talk to you.


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