First Kick

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5th Month of my pregnancy. Everything was not going so well. My morning sickness almost came to an end. Everyone care for me. And my cravings for things literally kills me. Last day I theft a packet of banana milk. I think my babies love them. Ofcourse just like my kookie. I usually hated drinking them. But now I crave for them . And I have seen kookie looking for it from the evening he came back from hospital.  I didn't got the courage to tell him that. 😔

Now we are having our breakfast all hot ready. One or two members will stay with me.

Jk: who must have taken my banana milk. I am going to kill that person.

Y/n: (gulping the food) are you really going to kill that person.

Everyone gave me a confused look. Because I don't usually 🤷 get into these silly discussions.

Jk: ofcourse that was mine and who has the audacity to take that.

I let out a sob. Then everyone got shocked 😲 and just ran to me.

Jk: why are you crying baby?

Suga: do you feels any sort of pain or any cramps anywhere? (Touching the womb)

Jimin: don't cry like this dear. It is not good for you and the baby.

Tae and jhope: (together) now open up y/n what is it? You are scaring us.

Y/n: (pointing to Jk). He.....he is going to ......kill me. (Said in between the hiccups).

Jk: why would I kill you baby. You are my everything.

Y/n: just now told me you will kill me, you are telling me I am your baby. Hiccupping .

Jimin: oo my god. That is true. Jk the banana milk doesn't have your name in it. So it wasn't yours basically.

Jk: my god, you were crying for that. It is ok dear, I will not kill you. I never knew that it was you. I can't kill you dear. You never liked it, so I thought it would be someone else. Now stop crying dear.

Suga: (glaring her and strict tone) enough...stop crying y/n it is not good for both of you.

I smiled instantly ☺️.  All chuckled at me.

Suga: and how many did you consumed yesterday.  I mean how many packets,  and I want a truth. (Glaring).

Y/n: two packets.

Suga: what? My god. I already told you to ask any of us if you were craving and not to sneak peak things right?

All are angry on me now. Even Jimin oppa.

Y/n : (almost tears) I am sorry.

Suga: your sorry won't change your mistake y/n.

Y/n: then what am supposed to do?

Suga: nothing now. So ask for things that you crave. And don't be like this. You got me ?

Y/n: yah. I understood.

Suga: I have checked you and you seems to be ok. So be at ease. If you feels any uneasiness just tell me. Since both me and jimin are here today with you.

I smiled 😃.  Literally the best , you know....the best. Both of them are great partner when it comes to give me strict rules. 🙂.  I nodded again thinking of the consequences.

Everyone else left to hospital . Now we are sitting and selecting a movie.

Jimin: y/n tell a genre .

Y/n: mmm how about horror.

Suga: no , a big no from me. I don't want you to get scared and jump unnecessarily.

Y/N: but I will not do that.

Suga: no, you can't say that, it is our instinct dear. Ask Jimin.

Jimin: that is true dear, and even I don't like to watch it. I am a scaredy cat.

Y/n: I know you are not scared and we both of us have watched once together, even if you don't remember.

Jimin: anyway, I don't prefer you watching. It will also effect the baby's emotion, which any of us want right?

Y/n: ok, no problem. Both of you can select one.

Jimin: don't be so silly dear. Come let us all together will figure it out. come on.

Y/n: ok let us watch this Indian movie "3 Idiots".

Suga: yah, it is great. Let us watch it.

We were all watching together while smiling and laughing. But suddenly I got an urge to pee. I literally wanted to. And I don't want to tell them and get embarrassed. While both of them were so into the movie, I slowly got up from the sofa. Their carefulness towards me got my movement.

Suga: where are you going y/n?

Y/n: I....I need to pee.

Jimin: o, you should have called any of us.

y/n: I feel embarrassed.

Suga: no need dear, it happens . We both of us will come, let us watch the rest together.

He slowly helped me into the washroom by making sure that the floor was not wet. So he held my hand and into the toilet.

Suga: I will be waiting outside, and call me if you need anything. ok?

Y/n: ok, oppa. don't worry I will be fine.

Suga: I know, but in case. ok?

Y/n: ok.

He went outside and slowly untying my pants and panties I sat down. After finishing I stood up and called him. He slowly helped me to the sofa, and Jimin oppa was with him this time.

Y/n: I need to eat something, I am really hungry.

Suga: ok, come on let us have some food.

While I was having food, we were talking.

Jimin: how was the movie dear?

Y/n: it is really amazing and ah...

Suga: what happened?

He suddenly came near me and held his hand on my stomach. And he smiled at me.

Y/n: don't smile like that, I understood.

Jimin: what is it?

Y/n: baby your Jimin uncle didn't understood it. I think he should go for medicine again.

Suga (by holding Jimin's hand): come here, feel this . (and kept his hand on my tummy).

Jimin: my god the baby is kicking. So cute.

Y/n: wow, seems like baby like their uncles so much, right baby?

Baby again kicked. Seems like it is playing.

Jimin: we should tell this when kookie comes.

y/n: ah, papa's name brings happiness to the baby I think.

Suga: he must be happy now. We should also consult hobi , the child specialist.

Y/n: ok, doctor (with a salute).

Both of them laughed , then we talked a lot that day. And when they came everyone felt the baby and kookie was not leaving my side, and always talking to the baby and caressing my belly and he always makes sure what I crave for the most even though Suga Oppa says not to eat. He makes things compromise with him and will give me small piece of it which will gives me a tear. Everyone loves me and care for me.

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