Is this a dream? Nope!

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Leonardo noticed three things when he first opened his eyes: 1, there were orange fairy lights above him, softly glowing. 2, someone had lit a candle, a faint smell of citrus and pine filled the room. And lastly;

There was a sword pointed at his neck.

That probably should have been the first thing to take notice of. Really. But still, slightly tilting his head and lifting his eyes up he follows the sword to its holder. He then met direct contact with..

Another mutant turtle?

Only this one had red stripes down it's eyes. It was also wearing blue PJS and a nightcap. It also looks confused and pissed off.

"WHO-the hell are you? And why are you in my bed?" The stranger asked. Trying (and honestly failing) to give Leonardo the stink eye. Slowly Leonardo moved his arms up to the sword, toward his neck. He rather have his hands cut then his neck. Much less painful. Think Leo think! Look at your surroundings, at your enemy. You train for this! We're.....we're my brothers?

"My-my name is Leonardo-" he started.

"Wait? What? No. No? My name is Leonardo......Either the insomnia talking or....Wait. Wait, damn it. Alright get up, we're going to meet someone." The turtle, this other vision of him said, then grab him by the upper arm and pulled him out of bed. Why was he in bed? How did he even get here?

Wait, sword, wears blue, named Leonardo....Oh no....Another parallel version of him? Great. If this version of him also yells "turtle power" and his can't fight with sword Leo think he's going to lose it. This newest alternative version of himself still held him by the arm, dragging him to a subway car. They live in the subway? Leonardo couldn't help but look around the area. There were hanging lights, graffiti, in the distance an arcade and a kitchen could be seen. As well as a old rusty machines and neon lights. It was a bit overwhelming. Leonardo finally noticed that he and his other self had stopped walking. The two were in front of another subway car, this one, judging by the glowing neon purple lights that shine through the windows, was Donatello's.

"Don, I know you're not asleep. I'm coming in and well......Guess I owe you that $20 huh?" This Leo lightly joked as he open the car door and shoved him inside.

"Nardo you have to be more specific about the $20, you know how many times you bet with......OHMIGOSH?! Is that what I think it is???" A voice yelled. Looking at the voice Leonardo saw another turtle, this one decked out in purple pjs, no mask, but had on a pair of goggles on its head. Yep, definitely Donnie....

This alternative Donatello jumps out of his chair and beetle-lines toward him, quickly rambling about alternative worlds and time travel, also something about a Pizzasaurus?

"Don Ton, focus. And what? No, the Pizzasaurus is definitely not real! Listen, this guy, albit a less handsome version of me, appeared in my room, in my bed! Less than a minute ago! So like, can you figure it out?" The other Leo said, leaning against his sword. While this Leo sounded relaxed, Leonardo could tell by his body language that he was very stressed.

This Donnie looked up from examining him and gave his brother a puzzled look.

Blueberry milkshakes and traumatize memories (aka I force 2012 Leo to be happy)Where stories live. Discover now