Chapter 7

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Trigger warning; implied reference to abuse


It's been one week since Lee and Angel (when Splinter and the others first heard that nickname they were a bit confused. Once Lee explained that Angel was an easy way to call Orange that instead of Michelangelo, the rest of the group decided to call Orange that. No one brought up the fact that Lee was still a bit hesitant to call any of the others by their nicknames, only referring them by their full names)

The two had that fight. Which was surprising. Apparently the fight was about Draxum and how Lee was being overprotective. Meanwhile Lee felt like he was justified. Neither of the two were taking it well. Every time Lee was in the room, Angel would walk out. Anytime Angel tried to stop Lee and to talk or give him any physical contact, Lee made an excuse and left to go to his room.

Frankly it was making the other boys, and Splinter, worried. After all, the family were so open to one another, seeing this sort of anger and miscommunication was rare. Splinter only knows that this type of thing happens only twice. Once with Purple and Baby Blue we're preteens, and the other when Baby Blue became leader. It made Splinter wonder what type of family Big Blue came from if the oldest was running away and not talking.

The others didn't do a good job at hiding their stress. Red keeps going back and forth between the two, asking questions and trying to help communicate. Purple, it seemed like, as alway, was hiding. He would doge questions on what he thinks about the topic, or would bring up a different topic. Splinter was worried about his purple son, spending so much time hiding and being distant wasn't good. He hoped that his therapist was helping him with that.

As for Baby Blue? His son did what he did best. Make jokes or face the problem head on. In the beginning he did that. Light jokes and teases, distracting or just trying to comfort his brothers. But as the days went on, and tension got higher, his son stopped the jokes and became stern. He was worried. After all, Big Blue and Baby Blue are the same person. If the two try to talk things out, would it end up in a screaming match? A fight?

The only two people that Angel or Lee would talk to or see, was him and April. Both of them are acting as a neutral party. It helps, both boys would rant and he or April would give their unbiased opinion. But that seems to do little. Splinter tap the table. Currently he is in the kitchen, drinking tea. Angel was somewhere in the house, probably the living room, by the sounds of laughter from Baby Blue and Red from watching TV. The family always joked that if Splinter wasn't watching TV then the situation was serious.

Was he that much of a failure of a father that his kids really think that?

He was about to leave the kitchen when Angel stormed in, looking angry.

"Orange? Is everything alright?"

Angel passes him, only sparing a glance and heads toward the cupboards, pulling out ingredients. He pulled out spices and seasonings. Then he moved toward the kitchen and got our meat, more and more ingredients were resting on the kitchen's island.


No answer.


Angel turned his head; "yes?"

Splinter felt his gaze soften. "What's wrong? Talk to me."

His younger shrug. He put down the rest of the food. Taking a look at it, he could see chicken, spices and seasonings, and different vegetables. As well as milk, butter, sugar and eggs. He lifted an eyebrow at the combination.

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