Dreams and new people

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TW: minor internalized and external ableism.


Looking around himself, Lee searches the area for his brothers. The battlefield was covered in robots, broken buildings, the dead, and many more objects.

There. Lee spots his two orange brothers. Michelangelo is hiding behind Mikey, who is quickly making portal after portal. Moving objects and flinging them into the portals. The two younger brothers are somewhere near his left. Looking around he can see Raphael is down and unconscious. The other? He didn't know.

All around him blue portals open and close. Leon is jumping and moving and dodging around. Lee moves after to follow his counterpart. He soon freezes at the sight before him.

The demon is big. A giant really. The size of one of those Traag guardians. In one hand it holds Donatello in it's claws, choking him. At the ground, underneath its feet, is Donnie. Pin down, but still conscious and fighting. Lee hears the sound of Leon's portal and sees his younger brother zapping around. Trying to land a hit on the creature.  But he gets knocked out of the air. Like a fly.

"Shit." He muttered. This is bad, really, really, bad.

"Lee! Time for plan C! Ok?!"

He turns around. Leon is standing, semi wobbling, the two make eye contact and he nods. Leon makes a portal. And with a whoosh, Lee is moving  and is now falling down from above and towards the monster.

He takes a deep breath. In and out. He thinks about his family. About the one he was born with and the ones he had made. He thinks about their love, their happiness, and how he wants to protect them. He feels the Ninpō flair up. Coming alive inside himself. Drawing back his arm he feels his weapons shimmer and he can feel the metal spike in his hands cool down. He lifts his arm as if throwing a punch and with it his magic goes to action.

A wave of water rushes out and wraps at the demon's head. Suffocating it. It lets out a muffled scream and trashes around. Still holding Donatello. Using his second weapon, Lee moves the spike off his finger and feels it becomes enlarged and heavy. Closer and closer he's falling toward the monster.

There. As soon as he's near the monster's neck he james it. Once the spike is deep in the neck, Lee shifts his hand and presses a button. A little click sound is heard. Lee smiles, he knows that the poison is working its way through the bloodstream. That, combined with the water, is a bit of an overkill, but one he doesn't mind.  The creature lets out a screech as it bursts into dust and dies.

Noticing that Donatello and himself are now in a free fall, he lets his Ninpō die back down. His weapons resize and he pockets them in his belt. Then he moves after his brother and catches him. A blue portal appears and the two are back on the ground.  Mikey, Michelangelo, and Leon come up to them. Lee carefully shifts Donatello towards his two orange brothers. He takes a gulp of air, breathing a bit heavy. He try to take his panic and shove it back down. No time to panic.

He scans the area. One enemy down, more to go. Looking to his left he sees the two Baxter Stockmans, both the child version and the fly-man creature. How did his Baxter become a fly mutant again? To his right he can see limbs of pink and purple. The Krang. Both versions are fighting one another. Limbs and claws could be seen. Each version is fighting one another, consuming one another, all in the name of dominance. On his right is Kavaxas with Savanti Romero? How did thoese two escape their prisons? And In front of him? Hundreds upon hundreds of rats. Some alive and healthy, some dead and rotting, and some are a strange mashed up being of different creatures that are only vaguely rat-like. The Rat King stands there, smiling. Dead. Half rotting and half skeleton, he somehow, came back to life.  Lee and Leon look at one another. Lee raises an eyebrow, Leon smirks. The two take their weapons and rush forward with a yell.

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