Echoes in the mirror along with paint

158 7 3

Tw; minor anxiety attack.


There are a million and three things Lee should be doing.

There are a million and two things that he should be saying .

There are a million and one things that he's thinking about.

He, obviously, does none of them. Instead he's currently sitting on a wooden stool passing dishes to Michelangelo. They have a little system going on. He passes the dishes to the boy, who washes them, and Michelangelo sets them to the side to air dry. A simple system that doesn't involve a lot of talking. The only sounds that are made are the small clatter of the dishes moving, the running water, and the soft scraping of the sponge.

It's kind of driving him crazy.

Lee is not use to this, the quiet. Back home it was noisy, but it made him aware where his family was. That they are happy and safe. But here? It seems as if all the noise was muffled. (He blames it on the fact they're living in a subway.) But it makes him think. And thinking makes him questioning which leads to him panicking. How did he get here? How will he get back? How are his brothers feeling with the fact he's missing? Or was his body back home in a coma and this is just him astral projecting into another universe?

While he's thinking he subconsciously hums the theme song of Space Heroes. He heard that there was going to reboot the show. Another one. That it was going to be for the newest generation and that it was going to be completely different. I heard that they're going to have this series heavily focus on Captain Ryan's mental health. It must be hard to be a captain of a space crew....But I hope they make him not such a jerk. I hope they add in the romantic hints of Captain Ryan and the doctor.....Oh snap I should update my fanfiction...

"What ya humming? Sounds nice." A voice broke him from his trance. Lee looks up and sees Michelangelo looking at him. A smile on his face. Lee feels his face go hot. Would Michelangelo make fun of his show? Or find it boring?

"Oh! It's nothing, just a tune from my show; Space Heroes."

"Really? What's it about?" the young turtle asks, grabbing a cup from the pile of dishes. While he cleans he subtly turns toward Lee, as if to focus better on what he's saying.

Lee feels himself  start to bounce his good leg up and down. Someone wants to hear about his show!!! Quickly Lee launched into the explanation of the show. About the authors, when the series was first created, about the series itself. About the cultural impact the show had. About the characters and their stories. On and on Lee speaks, getting more animated and excited. Not once does Michelangelo tune him out, interrupt, or talk over him. He just listens or makes a comment. Lee can feel a grin on his face. More than once Lee reaches for his phone to show the other a photo or a video, but he remembers that he left it in the world. Before he can think about that, Michelangelo wipes his hands clean and hands him his phone. The dishes are done so why not have them take a break? The two then watch video after video about Space Heroes. He even shows the younger boy Crognarg The Barbarian. When Lee explain that Crognard is his Mikey's favorite show, the smaller orange boy just gives a small laugh then shrug.

"Not my type of show. But I love the old school colors pallet!"

When Michelangelo puts his phone away, it got Lee thinking. He knew that even in an alternative dimension he can still watch his show. Maybe he can try to call or text his brothers? Soon the two stop talking. His voice aches from how much he talks. He spoke about everything he could think about the show; that including his headcanons, theories and fanfics!! Michelangelo  gives off a little laugh when he hears that Lee is worn out.

Blueberry milkshakes and traumatize memories (aka I force 2012 Leo to be happy)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum