In the back of my mind

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Tw: minor suicidal thoughts, mention of dissociation


Lee wakes up in the unfamiliar room. The sleepiness still clings to him, making him want to rest. To sleep the days away. It's a bad day. He thinks. No, it's something that he knows. Thinking back to his dreams he wonders. Why did this time instead of fighting a monster he meets his brother? Was this dream walking? How could this happen?

Rubbing his eyes as he finally gets up for the day, Lee looks around the room. Above him are the hanging lights that glow blue, instead of orange like last night. The lights are currently acting as a divider between his side of the room and Leon's. The two have to share the space for now. He takes the lower half of the train, while Leon takes the upper half. His part of the room is bare and unused. Leon definitely begged him to help 'spruce it up a bit'. Apparently that means "going to the Hidden City first thing after breakfast tomorrow."

Next to his bed is a table and a small hanging mirror next to it. On the table is his mask, phone, and some medicine ( wow Lee, having an actual child be your doctor. That's kind of pathetic. Wouldn't you think Fearless?) And a cup of water. Moving his legs, he tests to see how he feels. Not a pain day. That's good. But he is hungry. Moving toward the table he sees that along with the medicine are some vitamins, probiotics, and two pain relievers. Lee takes them all and dry shallows. After that he slowly sips on his water as he grabs his phone and thumbs through any notifications.

  Last night around movie number 24, Donatello, (lee still not use to calling someone else Donnie) comes over to him and taught him how his phone worked. Offhandedly Lee mentioned that his old phone was one that his brother made. Donatello got very excited at that. Asking how Donnie made it, what parts did he use? What other inventions did Donnie make? Can He make weapons? Did he tech out his Bo-staff too? Ect. After that little ramble Donatello told him; " That your phone was now protected from hackers and shady apps, as well as protected from other companies. All thanks to me. Thank you. Thank you..That's your cue to applaud me Lee.."

Lee just smiled and told the young purple-clad turtle that he was proud of him and that was a very nice thing to do. That being said; all of that info completely went over his head. Lee just nodded and asked questions, like how to mute his phone or how to open the camera. Eventually the two went back to watching the movie. Later that night, Lee re-downloaded all the apps that he used back home. (Back home since the T-Phones were so small, they didn't have much data or storage. So anytime Lee or any of the brothers wanted to use one of their accounts they all had to fight Donnie for his laptop.) The odd thing was though, as Lee logged back into his accounts. All his apps and social media were synced up with his old phone, and he could access shows and movies that weren't even from this dimension. But he couldn't call, text, or email his brothers. He tried. Lee thinks back to when he first try calling his family.

Raphael? This number is not available.

Donatello? This number is not available.

Michelangelo? This number is not available.

Karai. Casey. April. Shinigami. The Mighty Mutanimals. Hell he even try Bishop and the Utrons. None of them were available. Texting only led to a dead end and email didn't work. He was stuck. Even going to Donatello and asking, the purple genius has nothing for him .

Lee shakes his mind of the memory. He put down the empty water cup and put his phone on the table. He grabs his mask and faces the mirror. He puts it on and slowly braids the tail. He feels....odd. Slow and sad..Spacey...And girly? For some reason some days he wants to dress up and look cute. Other days, (actually most days) he doesn't care. Lee is Lee. Why does it matter? Nothing matters. Why should clothes or looking cute mean anything to him? But even then, he sometimes wishes that. To be human, to have soft skin, to use fancy lotions and perfumes, to have thick long hair. To be soft. To not have calluses and bad knees. To hallucinate or to have heart problems. Not having a mess up throat or a giant target on his back that can kill him in an instant. Some days (most days) Lee barely feels like a person/turtle at all. Just a hunk of meat that is breathing.

Blueberry milkshakes and traumatize memories (aka I force 2012 Leo to be happy)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora