Game time

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Lee watches as Donatello works on his machines. The purple boy was hunched over an object, goggles blocking his face. Small sparks bounced off the metal. Whatever Donatello was making, it was taking a while. Which made Lee wonder why he was here? Donatello just randomly came up to him and asked if he could come to the lab. Something about how the brothers got him something?

Not while Lee was waiting for Donatello to finish he was thinking. It's been a month. 1 month since he landed here. 1 month away from his brothers, his friends, his home. But he also gained a brother too. So that's a positive? And he now has medication for his disability knee injury and his hallucinations. But he was homesick and his paranoid-anxiety is making him  wonder if his family is hurt. Or dead. (Even though it's been years since they had to fight a villain. The thoughts still linger to what-ifs. Hell, even New York was getting used to them and they could walk around freely).

Shaking his head, he decided to look around the room, taking in the differences. For one thing, this Donatello has neon purple LED lights, fairy lights, and soundproof walls. He also has many, many, machines. Some half build projects, robots, AIs, and many tools. His Donatello would kill just to have a small section of this technology. Can Donatello make a portal gun like their 1987 counterparts? Could he send his brothers some gifts? Can he take some of Donatello's unused or extra stuff and give it to his brother?

Another difference is that Donatello's room is small. Which is surprising. But it's crammed with tools and computers, gamer stuff, and machines. Though strangely enough there's no chemistry equipment. This version of his brother's music taste was also different. Donnie loves metal and classic. This one loves EDM music, raver music. It was apparently called "Drum and Bass" and "Tech House". The music was currently blasting in the purple boy's ears, in one of those big clunky headphones. Does this Donatello go to raves?

Getting out of his chair Lee talks a stroll around the room. Another difference is that t Donatello lets him and his brothers wander freely around his lab, without irritation or without the constant staring at them, waiting to see when they'll break something, or tease him about his work. Lee picked up an object, felt and toyed with it, then put it back down. He looks at shelves full of medicine and history books, manga, and coding books. And surprisingly a bonsai plant and a mint plant.

"What's you're Donatello like?"

Glancing back Lee saw that Donatello stopped working on his machine. He was facing him, but was still blocking the object. His goggles were resting on top of his head. He was also wearing an oversized purple hoodie. And his battleshell too. Which Lee could see underneath the hoodie. While he hasn't seen the younger boy take the shell off yet. He hoped it wasn't giving him any pain. Also how long has he been wearing it today? He should probably wash it. And give his back and shoulder a break.

A bored expression was on Donatello's face. But Lee could see that the younger boy was gently tapping his work table. A mask of indifference compared to Donnie's anxious one. So different.

"He's my younger brother. Obviously, but I look to Donnie with help. He's really gifted with technology and chemistry. He acts like a second in command, but if you ask him. Donnie would say it was Raph."

"Unamused scoff. Your brother should be proud to be a Donatello! We're geniuses! We're smart and powerful. We're also stylish and no offense, but no one can work a computer like us! Does he have a AI too? What does he do with his chemistry? Is he also a softshell?"

At this point Donatello was fully animated. His eyes blamed with excitement and he talked with his hands, waving them around and gesturing to himself and around the room. His goggles still stayed in his head even when he bobbed around and moved in his seat. At one point he even got a pen and a pad of paper and was quickly writing down questions. Lee smiled at the sight. It was pretty cute to see the supposed "emotionless bad boy" be so excited.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2023 ⏰

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