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Wooyoung kept playing nervously with the fabric of his jacket in the back seat of the cab. His palms were sweating and his stomach was twisted. He was headed to JK Entertainment, where he would start his first job as a manager.

Wooyoung had had several experiences throughout his life, but had yet to found his path. During his military service, he had learned to drive different types of vehicles, discovering that he had a great aptitude for driving but little for the military. After returning from the army, he had then enrolled in a university in the field of marketing and communication, since he had always been gifted with excellent interpersonal skills. He had thought he might have had a future in the sales area — too bad that his obvious problems with numbers and economics had proved to be greater than his interpersonal skills.

He had found himself working in a call-center, trying to sell phone subscriptions, only to have the phone punctually slammed in his face as soon as he opened his mouth. It wasn't exactly what you'd call a "fulfilling career."

In the end, his instincts had gotten the better of reason, and he had quit his job, moving back in with his mother with his tail between his legs. His mother was a health care worker, working in a hospice, and Wooyoung found himself offering himself as a volunteer entertainer for the elderly. Some afternoons he would go and read to them, keep them company, and he had quickly become the darling of the entire nursing home, a ray of sunshine that everyone waited for.

You may wonder what all of this has to do with the fact that he was in a cab on his way to JK Entertainment... It has to do everything with it because his mother had said to him one day, "Wooyoung, you can't go on living here and loitering all day. You're 26 years old and you don't have a job, get a grip on yourself!"

Wooyoung had made a list of all his merits to try to figure out how to get a grip on himself. He was a great driver, a great speaker, and he liked taking care of people... he began to think that it would have been really great to work as a manager in an entertainment agency... he could have driven celebrities to their appointments and, in the process, learn a lot about the job.

He had found himself self-applying to several agencies, but he had never thought he would have actually being called, especially not by one of the top agencies in the country. And not to become just any manager, but Choi San's personal manager.

Anyone in Korea knew Choi San or had at least heard of him. He was a pop-rock singer, who independently wrote and produced his own gothic-styled music, and possessed that typical dark and dangerous charm. Although Wooyoung was not a fan of his, he had heard all of his hits. The most recent one was from a few days earlier, "Make me Wanna Die," a song with dark and gloomy tones that had become an incredible hit, and had been playing continuously on the radio since its release.

"Here we are, sir."

"What? Oh, thank you!"

Here we go. He had arrived. After paying the cab driver he took a deep breath, taking a moment to look at the huge, shiny building in front of him. JK Entertainment. His knees trembled, but just as he was about to have second thoughts, he felt a hand rest on his shoulder.

"Jung Wooyoung, there you are. Come on, let's go inside, San is rehearsing."

It was Kim Jongin, stage name Kai, owner of JK Entertainment. He was an extremely handsome man who had been a world-class performer in his golden days. Unfortunately, he had never fully recovered from a bad injury, and his career had come to an end. Instead of putting himself down, and despite his young age, he had decided to stay in the field by opening his own agency. From being a small business like it was in the beginning, it had now become an empire precisely because of artists like Choi San, the agency's spearhead.

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