Doubts and fear

114 8 3

AUTHOR'S NOTES: Warnings --> Attempted rape/non-con


San awoke the next day in Wooyoung's arms. He could not believe what they had done. He had never been with anyone other than Kai, and with Wooyoung it had been completely different.

Often, when he and Kai had sex, San tended to isolate himself in his own head. He had always considered it as something to do to please the other person, but he had never been able to fully enjoy it. Now he understood why. Kai had never made him feel as appreciated and loved as Wooyoung had managed to do in a single night. Usually, whenever he finished, he felt tired and empty, but this time, he still felt butterflies in his stomach at the thought of the previous night.

He didn't quite know how he felt, since he had always thought that what he and Kai had was love. Since Wooyoung had come into his life, any certainty he had always had had been swept away. The boy's infectious smile had become, for him, like a drug. His company the best part of every day.

The only flaw in their relationship had always been a little voice in San's head that haunted him, telling him Wooyoung wasn't really interested in him, that he was using him to make his way in the show business, or that he was just too much invested in his work.

The night they had argued, he had wished more than anything that Wooyoung would give him some certainty, but his insecurity had made him mistake that moment of hesitation for rejection. He had told himself that he should have stopped making mental movies and give up on him before it was too late.

But when Wooyoung had told him he loved him, he had believed his heart would burst with joy. It was impossible to feel so much happiness in a single moment.

At the same time, he felt tremendous guilt. Even though Kai was not exactly treating him great, he was still the person he was with. Technically, he had cheated on him. He did not believe he would have ever been able to do such a thing. He felt tremendously ashamed.

As if Wooyoung felt the wheels in his head spinning wildly, he woke up.

" do you feel?"

"Good morning. I'm fine... I'm just trying to process what happened ..."

"Me was wonderful, though."

"...I agree..."

Wooyoung kissed him slowly, but felt that he was distracted. "Hey, you're worried about... him, aren't you?"

San nodded. "I'm sorry...I'm really confused right now..."

"I can understand that. It's normal. I'm here for you, though."

"I know... But what can we do, Wooyoung? I don't think I can continue being with him after what happened between us...but I can't leave him either...I really don't know how he might react, and besides, we work with him."

Wooyoung, this time, did not have a solution in his pocket. He looked at him for a moment, and then sighed. "I don't know...but I do know that I can't stand the thought of him touching you again," he said, burying his head in his chest.

San held him close. He didn't want to think about it either.

The two went to the agency as usual, but San had tachycardia and a foggy mind all day long. As Hongjoong spoke to him, he heard only a distant echo, as if he were submerged in water. If that morning, realizing what had happened, he had felt anxious, now he was in complete panic.

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