Loving someone

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The next morning, Wooyoung woke up more tired than before. The conversation with San had consumed him. Although they had argued before, he did not think it would have been so easy to solve it this time.

The boy had finally thrown off the mask with which he had always defended the man he was with, admitting the awful truth that he was not happy with him, that he was aware that he was being mistreated... If Wooyoung had not been sure before, he could now say that he truly understood the extent to which his loneliness, his unhappiness, his dissatisfaction went. However, while in some ways he was happy that San had admitted it, he still did not know how to help him to get out of that loop.

Moreover, when he had explained what it meant to love a person and San had asked him whether, according to that logic, Wooyoung loved him, he had not been able to utter a single word. San had totally taken him aback, and although, on second thought, he had asked him in an almost hopeful way, Wooyoung had been unable to answer and his silence had convinced him otherwise.

When San, at that point, had poured out all his anger against him, he had felt as if he had been hit by an avalanche and had been unable to react, deny it, or stop him when he had run away.

He did not know how he could have faced him today.

He parked the SUV at the usual time, and San got out of the elevator. He wore sunglasses and a black mask, not allowing him to see his expression. He did not take his coffee and sat in the back seat, closing his eyes and pretending to sleep.

Okay, this was not going well. Wooyoung started the car, frustrated and not knowing what to say.

As soon as he had parked, San got out of the SUV without waiting for him, taking the elevator before him, leaving him standing there like a fool.

Wooyoung was stunned. Could it be that San was so offended and angry with him that he did not even spared him a look or a word?! Wooyoung waited for the elevator to become available again and took it too, sighing.

He decided to look for him, but he couldn't find him anywhere. Where the hell was he? Just then he met the person he liked least in the world. The president.

"Jung, why are you wandering around looking confused? Have you finally realized that this job is too difficult for you?"

Wooyoung counted to five before answering. "I was looking for San."

"Ah, he's at the gym on the third floor. Leave him alone, I finally see him motivated to train," he said, leaving without waiting for his response.

Wooyoung sighed. The president probably felt satisfied that he had convinced San that his body was not okay the way it was.

He waited for that evening to come with an incredible anxiety that twisted his stomach. Finally, San appeared. He was drenched in sweat. Had he really been training all that time?

Wooyoung would have wanted to ask him, but as soon as he opened his mouth to speak, San interrupted him.

"Don't talk to me. We have to end this borderline relationship, you are my manager. Period. Stop confusing me and stick to driving."

With that said, he even put on headphones, leaving Wooyoung stunned.

Not knowing again how to react, he turned around, starting the car and driving San to his apartment. The boy got out of the car without even waiting for Wooyoung to turn off the engine, again leaving him without a chance to redeem himself.

Wooyoung had no choice but to leave, disappointed and bitter, hoping that the next day San would not behave so unreasonably again.

Unfortunately, the next morning he found that San was still determined to ignore his existence except for those embarrassing car rides. He also looked pale and tired, evidently working out to exhaustion without eating was not doing him much good, but Wooyoung did not dare to say a word.

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