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The trip to the agency was quieter than usual. From the mirror, Wooyoung could see San tormenting his hands. Unfortunately, at this point they could only hope that the matter would fade away on its own, turning out to be a prank, and not escalate to the point they would have to press charges. As soon as they had arrived at the agency, San bolted to the recording studio, and Wooyoung went to his office.

He saw that, as always, he had received a mountain of business proposals for San. He rolled his eyes. Now he should have gone to take them to the president, but the thought of seeing him again after the night before made his stomach churn.

He picked up the various envelopes, sifting through them curiously on his way to the elevator. Suddenly he stopped. A letter had caught his eye. It was an invitation to a festival for songwriters of various genres, some kind of charity event against violence against minors, in which the artists were to present an unreleased song written especially for the event. It sounded like a really good proposal, and he was sure that in that particularly stressful moment, San would have been happy to receive a challenge that would stimulate and distract him. Besides, it was an event for a good cause. But it was Pro Bono.

Wooyoung suddenly saw a crystal-clear image, as if it was right in front of him: the president, tossing away the invitation without even finishing reading it, completely eliminating it from the agenda. Wooyoung was not the type to get hung up on such things, but at least he would have wanted to know if San might have liked to attend as he thought.

He turned on his heels, heading for the recording studio. He leaned his ear against the door, hearing San's voice, which was particularly rough in that song. When he heard that he had stopped singing, he knocked and opened the door slightly.

Hongjoong turned with the look of someone who was about to kill whoever was coming in to disturb them, but seeing who it was, he softened. The two had befriended each other, being two young boys and having in common their dislike for the president.

"Woo, what are you doing here?"

"Can I steal San from you for a moment?"

Hongjoong told San through the microphone to leave the recording room.

San exited and joined them in the studio, looking at Wooyoung surprised.

"San, sorry to interrupt, but I need to talk to you about something. Do you have five minutes?"

"Sure," San said, following him out of the room. "What is it about?"

"Look what's arrived," he said handing him the invitation. "I wanted to show it to you before I took it to the president. I thought you might find it interesting—"

San interrupted him with a smile all dimples and crescent-moon eyes. "That's so cool! What other artists are going to participate? I definitely want to do this. This is the perfect opportunity to experiment with a new genre without danger! What a great idea, Wooyoung!"

"I'm glad you think so. Then I'll go tell the president that you would love to participate," he concluded.

"No. I'll go! If I don't talk to him personally he'd never let me do anything Pro Bono."

With that said, he walked briskly toward Mr. Kim's office, followed by a panicked Wooyoung, who was beginning to wonder if he had made a mistake that would cost him his job.

"WAIT!" shouted Wooyoung, grabbing him by the sleeve. San looked at him in question. "You already didn't show up for the recording this morning, if instead of working you go to him bringing a Pro Bono project, which I wasn't even supposed to show you, you'll get us both in big trouble..."

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