Chapter 6

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You thought it was over.

As I sat in my beautiful Los Angeles home with Nash and our first born child, a beautiful little girl that we named Nicole, I took in my surroundings and realized how beautiful life really is.

"She's growing up so fast." Nash said watching Nicki crawl around the living room carpet playing with some of her toys.

She's eleven months in only sixteen days, which is absolutely unreal to me.

It seems as though only a few days ago I first held my baby girl in my arms.

Nash and I had requested to have at least a full year off of our jobs, so we can properly raise her and spend time with her.

"She is" I looked at Nash lovingly and he smiled down at me.

My cell phone rang from beside me and I picked it up, seeing Montana's name appear on the screen.

"Mrs. Espinosa how's the married life treating you?" I asked her.

"Great actually, how's the life of a mother treating you?" She inquired.

"It's so rewarding. I love being woken up at all hours of the night to a dirty diaper." I said sarcastically.

"I bet, so how about I bring Nala over and we all chill?" She asked.

If you were wondering, no her and Matt do not have a child, they didn't think they were responsible enough for a child, so they decided to get a cat.

"Sounds good to me, Nicki loves Nala" I said sipping on my amaretto creamed coffee. (actually me rn)

"Sweet, we'll be over in a few" she said.

We said our goodbyes and hung up.

"Matt and Montana are coming over, I'm going to change into a pair of leggings or something." I had been wearing a pair of boy short underwear and Nash's T-shirt all morning.

"Alright babe" Nash kissed my cheek and picked up Nicki.

He bounced her in his arms getting a cute little giggle out of her.

I smiled to myself and though 'how did I get so lucky?'

After changing I went back downstairs to see the pair had arrived and Montana was holding a cat on her lap.

"Well if it isn't the beauty herself" Montana said setting Nala down and coming to hug me.

"Damn girl, you popped a baby nearly a year ago and you're still impossibly fit." She said patting my tummy.

"I do yoga, with you idiot" I said hitting her head playfully.

"Hey, you wouldn't hit a pregnant lady would you?" Matt asked from the couch.

"You're pregnant!" I shouted.

She nodded, patting her stomach.

I threw my arms around her and jumped around in excitement.

"Congratulations!" I said kissing her cheek and then going to hug Matt.


Nash and I walked into the very sophisticated business office dressed up to get into a meeting with our management team and agents.

Nicki was safe at home with our very trusted babysitter, Johnson.

Johnson and his girlfriend Malaya watch Nicki for us anytime we have something to do where we can't bring her with, so mainly just meetings.

"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Grier, nice to see you again" Yaxley, one of the business men greeted us with handshakes.

We sat down at our respected seats and started our meeting.

"Wait, you're telling me that I was chosen to direct the entire movie?" Nash asked the man.

"That's exactly what I'm saying" he replied.

Nash sat back in his seat flustered.

"This is huge, thank you." He said reaching out to shake the mans hand once again.

"No problem, they were really impressed with your work. You start in a month in New York." The man said.

"New York?" He asked.

"Oh yes, this job is in New York." The man clarified.

"Thank you" Nash said abruptly grabbing my hand and taking me out of the room.

"Babe, I can think of only one solution." Nash said.

"We get a place in New York?" I asked him.

"How'd you guess?" He said smiling down at me.

"I've been married to you for over two years, I think I know you by now" I said flashing him a cute smile.

"Then it's settled, we're getting a place in New York." He leaned in to kiss my lips sweetly.


Surprise :) I decided that their story was faaaar from over and that I was going to properly finish this book. So, welcome back


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