Chapter 7

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Nash's POV

I sat at the new kitchen island in our condo in New York watching Nicole eat her Cheerios off the plate in front of her.

Ariana was getting ready to go to the park while I was already ready to head off to the set.

Ari came out of the bedroom carrying her purse that doubled as a baby bag since she always carried a huge purse anyways.

She came to me and kissed my lips sweetly and grabbed Nicki and put her into the one seated stroller and took my hand.

She walked me out to the parking garage where I got
into my vehicle and she kissed me goodbye.

"I'll be home at four, be safe darling" I said starting my car and beginning to drive while Ari pushed Nicki in the stroller to the park.

I played some music on the way there to pass traffic quicker.

Halfway through my drive I got a phone call and put it on speaker turning off the radio.

"Hey Nash" I heard Johnson's familiar voice.

"What's up man?" I asked.

"Just wanted to give you the rundown on what's been happening around here." he stated.

"Shoot" I replied egging him to go on.

"Well there's been a few crimes around town, the usual. Gilinsky got himself a good girlfriend." I stopped him there.

"I've been gone for a week and he already has himself a girl?" I questioned.

"Yeah, she's pretty though, I think you'll know her, she's from the same hometown as you. Kelsey Mavick?" He asked.

"Sounds familiar, I'd probably have to see her to remember though" I said.

"Well yeah obviously, but that's all that's happened really." I could hear the tiredness in his voice.

"Why are you so tired?" I asked him making my turn.

"Went too hard last night with Brooke." He said laughing shyly.

"Nice man, well I'll let you go then, come visit when you and G get in town for your tour." I said.

"Yeah definitely, later man." We ended the call just in time for me to pull into the lot.

I got out locking the car and going to find the crew.

I began to get everyone set up and we started shooting about half an hour later.

Ariana's POV.

I walked around Central Park with Nicki for a good twenty minutes letting her look around and me get some exercise.

We came to the little playground and I took her out of the stroller and took her to the little kid swings that you can't fall out of.

I gently pushed her back and forth hearing her giggle.

A young mom, much like myself brought her child to the swing next to mine.

"Hello" she said politely.

"Hey" I said.

"I'm Diana Ross, it's nice to meet you" she stuck her hand out for me to shake.

"I'm Ariana Grier, the pleasures all mine" I said smiling and shaking her hand.

"Grier? As in the director Nash Grier?" She asked.

"The very one, I'm his wife, and this is our daughter Nicole" I said gesturing to her.

"She's adorable, I love your husbands work. He's a talented man." She said.

"That he is," I said.

Our conversation was ended when I got a phone call from my mother and I decided to head home so I could Skype with my family.

I got Nicole something to snack on and she sat down watching cartoons. (Very aware she would realistically be about a year old but I'm saying 2 because I can)

My mom, Cameron, and Sierra were all now in the skype call and we were talking about how things were in Cali.

"Everything here is great actually, what about there?" Cameron asked.

"Well you see-" I was cut off by my phone ringing.

"Hold on a second" I grabbed my phone and answered it.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hello this is Janet Reigns from the California adoption agency, I'm calling on behalf of the Drew family who adopted Cate from you and a Mr. Matthew Espinosa." The lady on the phone said.

My eyebrows furrowed and I muted myself on skype.

"Yes, and what is this call about?" I asked.

"Cate has suffered a small accident, causing her memory loss leading about two years back, the only think she can remember is her life with you and Mr. Espinosa, and the doctor believes the only way she will ever be able to be normal, is if she was in her rightful parents care."

My brain was consumed by so many different thoughts and feelings, and I didn't know what to do.

"I would need you at the agency by tomorrow evening, can this be arranged if you're willing?" The lady asked.

I cleared my throat. "I'll get back to you in a minute, I need to call the father" I said hanging up the phone.


"Matt" I said hugging him as I got out of the airport at three in the morning.

Nash and Nicole are still in New York, with a trusted sitter when Nash has to work, and I'm now back in California, going with Matthew to pick up our child.

We decided on the phone that it would be best to share the responsibility and have joint custody.

Since I can't care for her from New York, I'm going to be staying in Cali and one of my good friends, Troye will be bringing her back with him since he's there for a few meetings with his record place.

"How you doing Ari?" He asked me.

"I'm nervous as hell and I feel like I could sleep for years." I said laughing nervously.

"Don't be nervous, everything will be okay soon." He said patting my back.

"I sure hope it will." I said.


Big thank you to bookloverari for the idea and now I will list some fans that have been here since the beginning that I remember :)


Those are all the people I have talked with and we got on really well :) thanks for reading I love you all.


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