Chapter 1

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Ariana's POV.
Currently, I am twenty five years old. My husband, of four years, is twenty six. We live together, in a house in Los Angeles, California.
We have not had a child of our own, because it wouldn't be in my best interest to have a child right now.
Nash and Cameron got into acting awhile back and they're both well known actors.
As for myself, I'm a professional makeup artist, and I do modeling on the side.
"Good morning" my coworker, Montana said. Yes, the same Montana that married Matt two years ago.
I smiled at her and went to my spot at our shop. We get quite hectic business around here, we do stars makeup and hair before events, which happen close to every night around here.
The bell dinged alerting us someone was here.
Some of our closest friends came in the store and I quickly dashed to greet them.
"Andrea, Jenn, Beth!" I said hugging them all.
"We've got a photoshoot in a few hours, can you squeeze us in?" Jenn asked.
"Of course, have a seat." I pointed to each of the beauticians chairs that had our workers there.
We all gossiped and caught up as we worked and soon they were done and it was close to the time Montana and I got off and our reliefs came in.
The doors opened and Nash and Matt came in wearing their Ray bans and vans. They haven't changed a bit. Except that Nash has let his hair go back to the normal brown without the highlights.
"Hey babe" Nash kissed my cheek sweetly.
"Hamilton" I said back. He pouted, I still haven't stopped calling him that to bother him.
"We came to see if you guys wanted to come with us to see some old friends?" Matt asked. Montana was in the back room getting her things together.
"Yeah, definitely. Let me grab my bag" I went to the back where Montana was just changing back in the little dressing room we had.
"You wanna come see some old friends?" I asked her. She came out of the dressing room in jeans and a cute top.
"Yeah lets do it"
We all got into Matt's Range Rover and Matt took us down a familiar road towards downtown Cali.
"No way" I said as I saw six of my best friends standing outside. Matt parked and I jumped out and ran towards them. I hugged the first one, Kian, then Connor, Jc, Sam, Trevor, then last but not least, Ricky.
"I haven't seen you guys in forever" I said.
"We've really missed you guys" Sam said. He still hasn't tied himself down to one girl.
I smiled at him and we a went inside.
Connor had made dinner with Montana helping him out along the way.
We all gathered around the dining room table and caught up with each other.
"How about a game of Mario kart? For old times sake?" Kian asked.

We all agreed and went into the living room.

If you know us, our Mario games get very competitive. It usually ends in Kian or I throwing a fit and not talking to anyone for an hour or so.

The ranks were tied with me at first and Kian only a few points behind.

"I'm taking you down on the last one Dallas" He said.

"She's a Grier now," Nash said cheekily pulling me onto his lap.

"Oh yeah I forgot you guys got married" he laughed.

"You were there Kian" Jc said rolling his eyes.

"Yeah but it was like two years ago."

But I remember it like it was yesterday.


I got my hair and nails professionally done about six hours before the ceremony was to take place.

I waited in my dressing room for Montana to bring in the gowns and makeup so we could finish me.

"I'm here I'm here Matt wouldn't get off of me." She said putting the dresses on the rack and bringing my kit.

Since I was already good at makeup, I did my own instead of having someone do it for me.

I had done a golden smokey eye with liquid eyeliner and my black mascara.

My hair was in a updo with small beaded flowers trailing through it.

The dress, my goodness the dress, now in the back of my closet, was a gorgeous white color and had small beading details. Neeless to say, I was in love with the dress.

I changed into the dress and slipped on my heels.

Nash wanted to have a church wedding, but I wanted an outside wedding so we compromised. We'd have the ceremony inside the church, and the reception outside.

I was nervous, not for the fact I was getting married, but the fact that I was overthinking everything. From the walking down the aisle to the vows I was sure to mess up.

"Alright places in ten, people!" My mother said organizing everyone like she was so good at. The door to my dressing room opened a crack and Matt came in, followed by Cameron.

Matt put his hands over his mouth, looking at all of us, Addie, Montana, then Andrea, Jenn, then myself.

"You all look absolutely stunning. Matt kissed my cheek lightly and wrapped his arms around me.

"You're getting married Ari" he said looking at me.

"Don't get all sappy on my now Espinosa" I teased and he shushed me.

Cam came over to me and hugged me so tight I wasn't sure if I would live.

"I can't believe it's your big day." He said small tears poking at his eyes.

I wiped his cheek with my thumb and hugged him again.

"I love you Cameron" I said.

"I love you more Ari"


I Stood behind the doors that would soon reveal my future. Nash, standing at the altar, waiting for me.

The music started to play softly gradually crescendoing.

The bridesmaids and groomsmen walked together first, Cameron and Addie, Matt and Montana, Hayes and Jenn, and Andrea and Taylor.

It was my turn now, I walked with my dads arm linked with mine, holding on for dear life.

We walked the slow wedding march and I couldn't help but not break eye contact with Nash, who looked like he was going to cry.

We made it to the altar and my dad kissed my forehead and handed me to Nash.

We stood holding hands still not breaking eye contact.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join these two in marriage"

*skips rest of boring priest stuff*

"Do you, Nash Grier, take Ariana Marie Dallas to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do" Nash said confidently.

"and do you, Ariana Marie Dallas, take Hamilton Nash Grier," Nash scolded me for that one, "to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do"

"You may now kiss the bride" Nash grabbed my waist and dipped me down pressing his lips to mine and I smiled into the kiss, enjoying every second.

"I now pronounce you, husband and wife."


NEW BOOK HOLY EFF. I'm so excited for this book and I hope you are too! It's going to be good (I hope)


My One and Only [Nash Grier]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum