sleepy time

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Characters used: y/n & lamp
My brain is running low on juice but haha let's do this!!!

They look out the window staring out at the puppet like world. They were waiting... For what? Who knows maybe something good to happen? Something horrible? Anything. They frown. They turn their head to be face to face to some kind of drunk lamp. " HiIiiIII!!~ ". They blink. They found the lamp familiar they were just to tired to remember from what. They wave slowly. " WanNnnaaa leAarNn how tOo dreAm?? " he hiccups. They shrug. They felt so out of it. This could make them more tired right? Who knows maybe they can sleep longer then a few hours. They let their head go to the side. He smiles. " GreAtt!! " he somehow grown legs and arms. They thought maybe they were already dreaming. I mean this wasn't normal right??? Or maybe it was- they grab the lamp. It felt like a build-a-bear plush. They squeezed him tight. Yawning. " UhhHhh! ExcuSe meE! I'm nOtTt a tEddY beArr!! " he wiggles around trying to escape. You shushed the lamp. " BuTttTtt!- " you shushed him Abit louder. " ... Do you hAve any beEerr? " They shook their head closing their eyes tight. " oKk- " he just went limp. He was just chilling there. " Do yOuu like ma- " they snore Abit loudly. They had fallen fast asleep. And they weren't gonna let go anytime soon nor are they gonna wake up anytime soon. He sighs. He turns his light off.
" good night y/n... "

Words: 252

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