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Characters: warren + y/n

They thought long and hard. Maybe something was up with their brain. It has been quite foggy. They sigh. They look over. They spot a strange worm like creature outside. It had been raining extremely heavily and the man looked soaking wet. He stood out there confused and wet. They frown. They didn't wanna leave him out there. They walk over to the motel door opening it. “ Hey! ” He turns around facing the human?.. he actually couldn't quite tell. He looks around then pointed at himself. “ Yes! You! Come inside! It's much more warm and I'm pretty sure we have towels! ” he nods getting closer to the being. He gets inside tracking mud and rain in the freshly mopped and cleaned motel lobby. They shrug. They'll probably clean it later. “ Just sit down please I'll be back in a moment ” he sits down on the plasic chair. They walk in the office grabbing 6 clean towels and a mop. They walk back. He was shivering like crazy. He sneezes and coughs. They sounded very aggressive. They walk over holding the towels out. “ You should take your belongings off for now ” they smile sweetly. He nodded taking off his hat and the backpack. He place them on the floor putting the hat on top of the backpack. He had messy purple hair. It was very short. Almost forcefully pulled out to be that short. He sniffs. “ Thank you... ” They nod. He took the towels making himself clean. “ Do you need anything? ” He looks at the now dirt towel. “ Uh do you have anything to eat or drink?... ” He sounded embarrassed to ask such a simple thing. They understood the feeling. They get up. “ We have soda and pizza in the back. Maybe some leftover cake.... You can eat once your clean ok? ” He nodded. While he finished cleaning himself up they mopped the floor humming.
This was gonna be a long night...

Words: 327

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