Art + story

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Art of wife or beth ( yes I'm giving her an actual name I don't wanna forever wanna refer her to as wife )

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Art of wife or beth ( yes I'm giving her an actual name I don't wanna forever wanna refer her to as wife )

Art of wife or beth ( yes I'm giving her an actual name I don't wanna forever wanna refer her to as wife )

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Doi and red :))

Now story!

Beth watched the doll house happily. She watched her child speak to a red mop creature. Beth felt very happy to see her baby grow up to be so good. Such a wonderful child. even if this isn't technically her child she still cares deeply for little Doi. She wondered if David and Doi would have gotten along maybe they would have. She wouldn't know though. Her life was taken very quickly but at least she may live on as a spirit. She smiled sweetly. She heard footsteps behind her. She swiftly spins around. She stares at the man. Roy. Her heart changed into a water drop. It saddened her to see how everything turned out. None of them deserved this. No one deserved such a horrible limbo. Roy walks to the doll house passing through her. He watches the two. She sighs. She slowly turns back to the doll house watching. She laid her head on Roy. Imagining a much more happier moment.
A beautiful sunny day.
David and Doi were playing tag together.
Roy was reading a book about science.
Beth peacefully laying on his shoulder.
Wouldn't that be wonderful if it were real?
But for now only beth dreams and imagines a happier life.
One were she hadn't died.
One were Roy hadn't lost himself into madness.
Were David was alive.
Lesley hadn't found that god awful book.
One were everything
Wouldn't that be wonderful?
So very wonderful...
But why hope for something that has such a low possiblity of happening?? Maybe that's just childish to think about. But that's ok. Because maybe having hope Is all we have.

IT is all we have here.


Words: 311

Dhmis ThingsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora