Goblin Slayer - Goblin Slayer x [F] Reader 🔥 Alchemist - Part 1

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"What job should I go on today?" I look over the board. "Seems all the good ones have been taken." The ones I can do.

There's a goblin one. I guess the goblin slayer has been in yet. Someone takes the paper, scratch that... It's Goblin Slayer. He's a silver rank, I wonder if he'll let me join him. I am emerald rank.

He heads for the door, "excuse me Goblin Slayer can I talk to you for a second?"

He stops, "what is it?"

I walk over to him, "my name is (Y/N). I was wondering if I could join you on your job? I'm an emerald rank. I'm an all-rounder, I can do magic, and I can fight with simple and martial weapons. And I'm an alchemist."

"What's the best way to kill goblins?"

"The most effective way to kill goblins is to find their hideout. Blocking the only entrance and starting a fire. Most of the goblins will die by inhaling the carbon dioxide and the ones who try to leave will be burned by the fire. Kill every goblin in the nest."

"This isn't your first time killing goblins."

"No, it's not."

"Do you need anything before we go?"

"No, I like to be well-supplied in case anything happens."

"Good, we can go then."

"Sounds good."

He walks out I follow behind him. We make it out of the town, he's really quiet.

"Do you kill goblins by yourself?"

"Most of the time yes. It's easier I don't have to worry about people getting caught in the fire."

"You use fire a lot?"

"Yep, I make bombs that are like fireballs."

"What if there are girls inside?"

"I said I was an all-rounder. I scout the hideout first, make sure there are no girls."


"Do we know how big the hideout is?"

"Here," he hands me the flyer.

"Thank you." I read over it, "hmm it's in an old church. Doesn't say we can't burn the church. I doubt they'll want it back. I wonder..." Is this the same church with the basement?

"Wonder what?"

"Hmm? Sorry I was thinking out loud." He looks at me, at least I think he looking at me. "I heard there was a church that keeps getting infested."


"I don't know, I ask and never got an answer. If this is the same church, we can get rid of the goblins for good. There must be a nest underground."

"We'll see when we get there."

"Roger, let's get going."


We make it to the church. The windows are covered in something.

"They've muddied up the windows." Goblin Slayer stands up.

"They've learnt to cover the windows. No one can see in... Hmm... We haven't got long before dusk, they'll be waking up soon."

"What do you think?"

"I feel the church is the entrance to their nest. That's why the windows are muddied up. The church isn't on a hill... An exit would be hidden somewhere. I can do a quick scout of the area. See if I can find goblin tracks."

Anime OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora