Servamp - Tetsu x [F] Reader - Special Treatment ♨️

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"(Y/N) wait up!" Mum calls out to me.

"I'm not that far!" I stop at the stairs.

"Haha, you really like coming here don't you?" Dad carries his and Mum's bags.

"I like coming here, 'cause I go home feeling relaxed."

"Are you sure it's not cause of Tetsu?"

I stare at Mum, "we're friends. He's busy working all the time."

"Whatever you say, sweetheart." Dad walks past me.

We go to the front desk and check in. "(Y/N), you have your own room." One of Tetsu's sisters smiles at me.

"I have my own room?"

"Yes, don't worry it's no extra cost."

"Oh okay, thank you." This time I get my own room. I wonder why?

We go to our normal rooms, and Tetsu's sister shows me to my room. "This will be your room (Y/N)."

"Thank you, can I ask why I'm getting my own room?"

She laughs and covers her mouth. "Oh, I'll leave that to Tetus. Hope you enjoy your stay." She walks off.

"Tetsu? Did he give me my own room?" I go into my room and place my bag down. This room is beautiful, it has my favourite flowers too.

"Huh? Oh (Y/N) you're here."

"Tetsu! Hello, how are you?"

"Hey (Y/N), I'm okay. I didn't think you would be here early."

"Dad finished work early, my bag was already packed." Three days ago...

"I didn't finish fixing your room up."

"What do you mean?"

"I didn't get to put flowers in your room."


"I know (F/Fl) are your favourite. Thought it would make your stay more relaxing."

My heart is melting! "It's okay, the flowers here are perfect. Thank you, Tetsu ~"

"Okay," heads for the door.

"Tetsu one second, I have a question."

"Do you need something?"

"No, no, the room is perfect. Thank you, hehe. I was wondering why do I have my own room? Your sister said to ask you."

"Did she?" He rubs the back of his head. "I guess you would feel more relaxed in your own room. You don't share a room with your parents. So why share here?"

"Oh okay. Thank you for giving me my own room. It's really nice of you ~"

He looks away, "no problem. I got to go, I got more work to do."

"Okay, I guess I'll talk to you later. Maybe?" He leaves the room, "or not..."

I look around the room, it's so big. I walk around taking a look. He put flowers everywhere, except for the bedroom. I didn't think he knew. As I go into the bathroom, my favourite body washes, shampoo, condition and creams. I don't know if I should be impressed or worried now. Then again, he does have to pay attention to detail. And he works here, he has to know what his customers like.

"(Y/N) are you in here? There you are, dear. Come on it's time to go."

"Yes, I'm coming Mum!"

I put my bag in the room, quickly get changed head out to Mum.


I walk back to my room, "I feel so relaxed."

"That's good."

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