Goblin Slayer - Goblin Slayer x [F] Reader 🔥 Alchemist - Part 2

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I sit and wait for Slayer. "Hmm, he's running late today." I look around, look at the job. It states it's only a small nest. I hear the door open, it's Slayer. "Over here Slayer ~"

He comes over, "you got a job?"

"Yep, another goblin one. Seems this one is like a small hideout. Nobody looks probably we're the ones that have to clean it. Anyway, I'm stocked up and ready when you are."

"Let's go," he heads back out.

"Roger!" I follow him out.

He leads the way like normal. He's got a big bag, wonder what it is. We get out of town, and he stops.

"All good Slayer?"

"Why don't you wear armour?"

"Cause it's to expensive. I need ingredients, of course, I could go without some. And get armour, I do know the spell mending. I rather spend it on ingredients."

"Here," he holds the bag out. "I got you some armour."

I take the bag, "oh thank you, Slayer." I open it, it's leather armour. "You didn't -"

"It should be light enough for you to move around in. You're going to need armour if we're going to keep working together."

"I appreciated it ~"

"Put it on now, we'll work it in."

Work it in... "You mean training?"


"Okay," I look around, guess I'll put it on behind the tresses. "I'll be one second." I quickly put it on. "What's this?" I pull out the last bit, "it's a leg bag? Pouch?" I walk over to him, "you left this in -"

"It's yours."


"Yes, for the vials you make."

"You didn't have to. I'm sure you have better things to spend your money on than me."

"I do, but you needed them."

Now I feel like shit... "Thank you, I really appreciate it ~ I'll pay you, don't worry."

"You don't need to."

"Oh okay..."

"Let's hurry, we have a job to do."



"How's it feel?"

"A little stiff, but I'll be good. Ready when you are."

"Let's go."


He leads the way, I follow him. This feels weird having armour. Guess I'll have to wear it in.

"You right?"

"Uhh yes, I'm fine. Just getting used to the armour. Don't worry about it."

"We're here."

"So the normal?" He holds his sword out, "the normal. Heat Metal."

"Don't use Flaming Sphere till we see how big the hideout is."


We head into the cave, Slayer goes in first.


"That's the last one," I watch Slayer stab it.

"No, girls in here."

"That's good. Time to head out and set up camp for the night."

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