Servamp - Ildio/World End x [F] Reader - Staying Here ❄️ Part 1

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- While editing the original Servamp Oneshot book. I was deleting chapters that had nothing written. There was a second part to this, it was a lemon. I selected chapters that had nothing written and tried to delete them. The app froze it close itself. For some fucking reason deleted the lemon!! I'll try my best to remember when I wrote -

"Bye Mum, tell everyone I love them."

"I will sweetheart, love you."

I rugged, put my gloves on step out into the cold. Damn England can be harsh sometimes. I make my way back home.

I get home and unlock the door. "Uhh!" I slip over and land on the step. "What the?"


"Is that a miniature pig?" I stand up and close the door behind me. "Did you trip me over?"


I place my bags down. Take my boots, coat and gloves off and look back at the pig. It paces up and down the hall, it's kinda cute.

I walk over to it, "you hungry piggie?" It snots and goes back to pacing. "Okay, okay, hang on I'll find you something. Let me put the fire on first, it's freezing."

I put the fire on, should warm up the house a bit. Now, where's that pig? I walk into the kitchen, "AGH! WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!" There's a guy going through my fridge.

"I'm really starvin' here! And broke!!"

"That doesn't answer my question?!"

"World End," he shoves more food in his mouth.

"What's your name?!"

"World End!"

He's crazy, "get out! Get out of my house!"

"No, I'm cold and hungry."

"Go to a hotel!"

"I'm broke!" He shoves more food in his mouth.

"Get out of my fridge!" I walk over and try and pull him away. He won't budge! "You can't come in and eat someone else's food."

"You said you'll find me something to eat."

"To the pig!" He changes into the pig and back. "What the fuck?!" I fall to the floor.

"I'm a Servamp, a vampire servant. I turn into a pig. I'm starvin'."

"V-Vampire? Are you going to drink my blood?"

"No..." He stops eating.

"Are you okay?"

"Fine," he drops the empty containers in the sink and walks out.

I follow him out into the lounge room. "So you're a vampire."

"Yep," he sits on the lounge.

"You don't burn in the sun?"

"Servamps no, we turn into our animal forms. Subclasses do though."

I sit beside him, "there's more of you?"

"There's seven other Servamps. Some have Subclasses."

"Do you? Have Subclasses?"

"No," he crosses his arm and closes his eyes. "No, more questions. Don't give me anything other than food and drinks."

"What makes you think, I'm letting you stay here?!" Is he asleep? "Oi! Wake up!"

"Leave me! I'm tired!" He goes back to sleep.

What am I going to do? I have a guy claiming he's a vampire. He did change in front of me. I think his eyes were red, I didn't get a good look. He had a mark or something on his face. I get up and walk around. Oh, it's a tattoo it looks tribal.

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