Goblin Slayer - Goblin Slayer x [F] Reader 🔥 Alchemist - Part 3

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"I have to work on my potions today... I'm pretty sure Slayer wants to kill goblins. I'll go and see him, give him some potions, vials and a few bombs. If he gets into trouble he'll have something. Also, I need ingredients. I'll do that," I make my way to the office.

It's sunny out today, "it'll be nice to spend the day gathering ingredients."


That's Slayer, I look around for him. I can't see him... "Slayer? Oof..." I walk into someone. "I'm sorry, I was looking for my friend..." I look up oh holy fire. He's drop dead gorgeous ~

"You look different today."

No... It can't be... "Slayer?"

"It's me."

"Wow! You look totally different than what I thought you would be. What you look like isn't bad. I mean, you're drop dead gorgeous. Wait! I mean!" I just fucked up...

"My armour needs repairs."

"You know I could have used mending."

"I know, I don't want you to use a spell slot."

"Ooh... I wouldn't mind using it for you... I won't keep you. I got a few things to do today to. I guess tomorrow we'll be back to slaying goblins."

"Yes, my armour should be done by the end of the day. What do you need to do?"

"I need to collect some ingredients and work on some of my potions."

"I thought you didn't have anywhere to do your potions?"

"Oh, I didn't tell you?"

"No," that's what his annoyed face looks like...

"I'm sorry, my bad. I was able to rent a room at a blacksmith. He says he's always there, so my stuff won't get stolen. Isn't that great? And it isn't expensive either ~"

"That's good," is that a tiny smile? Oh, holy fire it's gorgeous!!!

"Well I better get going, the ingredients won't collect themselves. I'll see you tomorrow ~" I head off.

"The one that's close to the Adventurer's Guild."

I turn back around. "Yep, that's the place."

"Wait, I'll be back."

"Uhh okay."

He heads off, he's not coming with me, is he? All I'm doing is gathering ingredients. It'll be boring for him to tag along. I'll see which ones I need the most. I sit down and open my book.

"Okay, I want to make a basic poison resist. I need Hagfinger to start with. For poison, I need Earth Elemental Pebbles. I wonder if Slayer would want a potion of giant strength. We haven't faced hobgoblins or goblin lords yet. Hmm, I do have some Frost Lichen. All I need is a sliver of a fingernail of a giant. Maybe a hill or stone giant would be good. I don't want to try to make a potion of mana. I can recover spell slots. For that, I need Pixie's Parasol and Dragon's Blood. I got Silverhorn."

"Dragon's Blood will be hard to get."

"Arrrr!!!" I drop my book.

Slayer picks it up and looks through it.

"Uhh... It's just notes of potions and experiments I've done. It's nothing special."

"Potion of Speed, Oil of Sharpness and Potion of Revival?"

"Yeah, I'm working on the revival. If you die, pour down your throat within a minute. It'll bring you back, you'll be on the edge of death. You'll still need medical attention."

"You think we'll need it?"

"I like to be prepared for anything."

"What do we need for it?"


"What do you need to make it?"

"Oh umm, I need Acid Dew, Dreamlily and White Orchid Seed."

"We should be able to get all of them. Where to first?"

"Oh, we can get the flowers and seeds first. They'll be easier."

"Lead the way."

"This way," I lead way. This feels strange, he always leads the way.


"Okay, that's everything but the Dragon's Blood, Acid Dew. That's okay, we got mostly everything."

"I'll get them."

"You don't have to. I can -"

"You need them, I'll get them."

There's no use arguing with him. "Thank you, Slayer. I really appreciate all the help ~"

"Now what?"

"Well, I have enough to make other potions. So I'll head back to the blacksmith. Did you want to come with me? I can show you how to make the firebombs. And the basic poison resistance. I am fine-tuning it for the goblin poison."

"I'll come."

"Okay ~"

We head back to town. This is nice, spending the day together. We spend days and nights together. That's killing goblins. This is a nice change ~

"Who taught you to make potions and bombs?"

"No one taught me. I found an abandoned house one day. It was an alchemist's lab. Still had books, some ingredients and a few other things. I stayed there for a while, reading books. Made a few potions, made a few bombs and they exploded. Lucky enough I made some healing ointment."

"You've been on your own the whole time?"

"Yep, even since the attack. I've been on my own. Thought about getting a pet. So I would have someone to talk to. But then the possibility of losing them. Also, I use a lot of fire. Thought it would be best that it was just me."

"You're not on your own now. We take on jobs together."

"Thanks, Slayer ~" He can be sweet in his own way.

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