Chapter 5 - Insurgency

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(thats Lavender up there if anyones wondering what she looks like)
Warnings: Sadness sorta
Words: 1667
Normal 'thinking' Memory semi important thing

It had been about a week since settling into your new life, Dr. Shaw had been oh so kind enough to walk with you to certain places and if not him usually Dr. Lavender or Dr. Glass would walk with you. Today Dr. Shaw had been kept up in a meeting, so you and Dr. Lavender decided to have lunch together, you waited for the doctor hearing the humming she usually did you stood up walking to the hallway only to bump into her. Looking up you quickly apologized as she just laughed "It's alright Y/n no hard feelings everyone runs into me!" She ruffled your hair (if you have hair if not she patted your head lmao) and signaled you to follow her. During your walk you began to raise some questions in your mind about the doctor "soo Lavender can I possibly ask you some questions to ya know help me know you better?" She hums for a moment before replying "sure but only if I can get some questions too" you smiled speaking "deal!"

You both sat at an empty table with some food as you both ate you asked the first question "how did we meet?" Lavender didn't even really think before responding "Dr. Clef had talked about the 'new girl' around the halls which raised some curiosity in me since Clef never talks about new people unless he's uh terminated them. So I went to go find ya and you ran into me apologizing, after that I just kinda messed with you for a bit till Gears told me to knock it off." You spoke "and then we became friends?" She nodded "yup! After that I walked to your office and just flat out asked ya to be my friend and you agreed, now my turn do you remember anything about the insurgency?" You nodded answering back "yeah they treated me like shit there, kept asking questions about the foundation. They couldn't get it in their thick skulls that I didn't know what they were talking about though." Lavender nodded as you continued to speak "they..Tortured me, threatened me all sorts of stuff. I remember one person there, girl named agent Hammer. She usually was always the one hurting me in some way." Lavender coughed a bit "Hammer? Shit she's alive? Thought the foundation killed her off..that's..well that's not good." She started to look nervous "uh Lavender are you okay?" She nodded "yeah, uh I'm gonna go real quick. You can get back to your office right? Or well Shaws office." You nodded as she simply got up and left.


For the rest of the day you sat in Elias's office bored out of your mind, you tried to do the work you were given slowly getting used to everything again. The door to Elias's office opened, you looked over to see Lavender "oh hey Lavender..You uh okay?" She nodded before closing the door "heyy quick question, do you remember what Hammer was trying to get from you?" You slowly nodded "yeah. She was trying to get me to spill some information about some SCPs, mainly where they were locked up at." Lavender nodded grabbing a chair and sliding it over to sit next to you "any names?" You thought for a moment "049, 173 and 076? Yeah. I think those were the numbers she kept asking about." Lavender slowly nodded her head "damn. Uh thanks Y/n I got-" As she got up you grabbed her arm "Lavender..Is there something I need to know about?" She looked down at you "I uh.." She sighed in defeat "look, there's something I can't tell ya. Right now I can't tell you what we're talking about but I can tell you everything you remember about the insurgency will help us greatly. I ain't gonna prod or anything like that, hopefully this information will be enough." 

You watched as she left feeling yourself shake a bit at the idea of them wanting information, just like before. You feared what they'd do for this information you may or may not know, would they strap you to a chair and yell at you to tell them what they want to know? You hugged yourself trying to control your breathing..What was this feeling? It felt like..Fear but worse, you felt like you were dying. You rocked yourself a bit back and forth to try and calm yourself, you heard the door open again looking up you saw Elias. You head began to hurt again as you looked at him, that look on his face.

"Y/n what were you thinking?!" Semi yelled Elias as he looked down at you, you had messed up your leg pretty bad. "Elias I'm o-" Jack spoke interrupting you "don't you say you're okay, you're not okay with a broken leg." You looked down holding your shirt, Elias could see the sadness on your face "I'm sorry Y/n. I'm just worried." He walked over sitting next to you "I don't like you being hurt, please at least promise me next time you'll be careful around SCPs?" You nodded "I promise."

Coming back you felt someone holding your shoulders, looking up you saw a crouched Elias "Y/n?? What's wrong why are you crying? Did someone hurt you?" You shook your head "no..No I'm fine Elias just..Worried." he let go of your shoulders, he looked at the chair near you and got up sitting in it "what happened. You can tell me it's okay" You looked away from him nervously "I um..Lavender came in here asking questions about my time within the Insurgency, I'm just..scared." Elias looked at you a bit confused before connecting the dots "Y/n..We'd never EVER do what they did to you, I wouldn't allow it." You felt his hand caress your cheek, gently moving your head so you'd look at him "If the foundation ever planned to do something that cruel to you, they'd have to do so over my dead body." 


Meanwhile with Lavender as you two had spent yourselves locked up in Jacks office together, Lavender had been speaking with the 05. Requesting multiple times to speak with them they refused until your situation had been brought up. The mention of 'Agent Hammer' had the 05 intrigued, last they heard the agent had been killed during an attack of the base. They had been thought to be killed by 173 hell they had the autopsy to prove it, so how exactly was she alive? Lavender explaining the situation had raised questions, especially with the knowledge of them being their during Y/ns kidnapping. When Lavender had told them specifically about which SCPs they questioned Y/n about they knew what was happening, they still planned to come in and take those SCPs. An order was set out, more security around their cells. They had no clue what they wanted with 076, but they rested easy knowing the blood lusting sociopath was many feet within the sea in a base that was impossible to get in. "Keep an eye on Y/n, and report anything you deem suspicious to us." Lavender nodded "understood 05-6." 


As for you, you had walked into your quarters closing the door you stood there for a second taking your shoes and coat off. You set your lab coat on the hanger nearby and moved your shoes to the side, you were about to plop on your bed when you heard a knock at your door. Opening it you saw Elias he stood there for a moment looking down at you he had his pajamas on, no words were spoken as you just let him in. He pulled you into a hug rocking you slowly back and forth, he smelled of weed and axe body spray. You walked over to the bed having him sit as you went and got changed, when you came back he was still sitting there but his glasses on the night stand nearby. He looked up at you as you walked over sitting on the other side "why are you here Elias..?" You sounded tired and a bit sad, you didn't know why. He was quiet a moment before speaking "I missed you; I missed lying beside you..Please let me just stay the night, no funny business just us sleeping in each other's arms."You thought about it for a moment, you hardly knew the man but he knew you so well. The hours you spent listening to the stories he told of you before everything happened, you felt such familiarity with him such comfort. You nodded "okay..Yeah" you slipped under the comforter and so did he. You looked away from him at first but you slowly turning towards him, you spoke in a whisper "i'm sorry I don't remember you..I hope too someday though." Moving the hair from his face as he layed on his back, you felt him turn and wrap his arms around you. You felt him pull you closer one of his legs going over yours, you felt his face in the crook of your neck. The sweet embrace of sleep took you both as you slept holding each other to you this was a new feeling and to Jack this was something he missed and craved for so long. The feeling of your skin on his necklace, the feeling of your hair in his hand, the feeling of your leg wrapped around his leg. He never wanted to let go even if this was a one-night thing he'd never forget it even if you never remembered him for the rest of your life, he'd never let this memory go. He whispered a 'Goodnight Sunshine' before he too finally drifted to sleep for the first time in a while, he felt comfort and at home.

Memory once lost (Jack Ambrose x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now