Chapter 16 - Date night

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(this'll probably be my last update for a lil bit, i'm currently working on an SCP project on my tik tok. Do be aware tho that this won't be abandoned! I'll update from time to time)
Warnings: Saddness, arguing
Words: 2007

You were currently riding in Elias's car as he drove you somewhere, you didn't know where you two were going as he kept it a secret. You fidgeted a bit with the seatbelt as you listened to the current song playing, until finally the car stopped at some park. Due to it being dark no one seemed to be at the park, Elias turned his car off as he laid back a bit and looked over at you. He smiled caressing your face to make you look at him, he leaned in capturing your lips with his before pulling away. He smiled at your red face before leaning back again "we used to go here when we were first dating." You continued to look at him listening to what he had to say, he continued turning to look out the window next to him. "I didn't even know where to take you..."

Date: February 14th, ████
Location: Site-19 

Elias fumbled around with some stupid card he got from a nearby Walmart, he held a stupid grin at how cheesy the damn card was 'I choo-choo-choose you' with a silly lil train on the front, and inside he poured his heart out or at least tried to. He walked down the hallway passing by the 'boring old' researchers who seemed to have all the damn life sucked out of them. He knew you were sitting in your office probably chatting with Iceberg, and he was right. As he neared your office Iceberg walked out with a goofy ass look heading to Lavenders office most likely, Elias watched Iceberg leave before walking into your office with the card "Hey Y/n! I got ya something!" He said happily holding the card, as he walked closer you looked up to see the most goofy smile on that freckly face of his. He handed you the card "will you be my Valentine?" He asked semi nervously, after all you were just a crush at this time. You looked up at him smiling "I'd love to Elias" 

You two walked through the park talking, it had been such a long time since either of you just..talked. The foundation always kept you two busy, with Elias being a Jr researcher and you being someone's assistant time seemed to just focus on both of your professions. It had been so long since you walked through a park feeling the wind through your hair (if you have any), and the sound of birds that wouldn't bust your ear drums out or something. It had been so long since things seemed..Normal. To breath in air that wouldn't kill you and to walk in a park that wasn't some weird ass sand pit, to walk next to someone who didn't have metallic arms. Elias seemed to sense your growing distress as he moved in front of you grabbing your arms gently, he looked into your eyes "you okay Y/n?" He asked with concern on his face. You looked at him snapping away from your thoughts "yes I'm fine..more than fine, I'm just happy to be around something relatively normal for once" Elias nodded in understanding "yeah..I get that." He said walking with you, his hands in his pockets as you two continued your talk. 

Now here you stood in the same place as before, walking with Elias. The only difference now being his amulet and body, he had the body of some D-class now. He looked around nervously before sighing "I'm..sorry" you side glanced at him confused "for..what?" He stopped looking at you fully "for everything." You looked down as he continued to speak "I should've never let you go on that mission." You blinked looking up at him "it was my choice Elias, I'm sure you couldn't talk me out of it even if you wanted to." Elias shook his head "it was a dumb choice, and I could've. trust me. I'm a higher level within the foundation than you, I should've used that to get you off that damn team." You blinked at him looking irritated "Elias look I know what happened was awful, I forgot who I am and was forced to be with the damn Chaos Insurgency. But I make my own choices, and if I wanted to go I had good reasons for it." Elias scoffed crossing his arms "your 'good' reason was going with Clef and Lavender since they'd be gone for fuck knows how long." He started sounding irritated as he spoke, and you started getting annoyed as well "well I'm sorry for whatever stupid reason past me did that but once again Elias, it's my life. I lived didn't I? After all I'm right here." Elias shook his head "are you even alive.." You looked at him taken aback by what he said. You put a hand to your chest as you stared at him, he began to tear up "it feels like I'm talking to a damn stranger everyday. We were together for so fucking long and it all was thrown away by some damn attack." He held himself sniffling "we've known each other since we were fucking teens, and you can't remember shit. Can't even remember your damn family." He then scoffed and mumbled something "fucking bastards probably lied about that to." You looked at him confused "Elias what the hell are you talking about?" He looked at you before shaking his head "nothing. This was a mistake come on." He said before passed by you taking your wrist and heading to his car. You didn't even really want to fight against him, he just led you back...

happy Valentines day i guess?


Days had passed since then, Elias once he got back to his family's ranch immediately had started to pack. He looked so pissed, so sad..You began to wonder if any of this was even working. Maybe what happened was too much, maybe your relationship could never be repaired...  You had decided to avoid Elias, especially after remembering your night together. It felt like Mikell had been right, maybe he was right.. You began to wonder that as you sat in Lavenders office, she always seemed to have such a friendly office vibe. Currently she was filing out some paperwork mumbling something about it being 'stupid Friday', her door opened to her assistant Rose coming in. She dropped off some paperwork "oh by the way Miss Lavender, you asked where Mr Shaw was correct?" Lavender nodded "yeah I did, I'm tired of his partner lounging in my office." She said side glancing over at you, you shrugged "sorry Lav." Rose then spoke "he's currently with Mrs Rights." For some reason you jumped up immediately "what?!" You said before running to the door to go find Elias, Lavender and Rose both following you Lavender cursing the entire time as she chased you. 

You made your way to Rights office swinging open the door to see Elias there with Rights, he was backed into Rights desk as she held his tie in some..lingerie. You gasped as Elias looked at you wide eyed "y/n th-" You glared at him "your fucking brother was right! You fucking used me." You then turned heel and ran away, the last thing you saw was Lavender grabbing onto Rights door frame as she seemed to be chewing someone out. You ran don't even remember where, you just wanted to escape. Maybe you shouldn't have listened to Clef coaxing you to stay, maybe it would've been best if you ran that day. Now you had no choice, you were eventually gonna see Jack again and now most likely with Rights wrapped around his arm. Maybe you weren't even Y/n..Maybe you were someone else. Maybe you were a Vanessa or a Bryan, maybe you were some random civilian who got caught in the crossfire. What even was the truth anymore, your brain hurt your heart hurt. You didn't notice all the researchers looking at you with concern, you didn't notice someone running over to you and yelling. But you did notice when your body fell limp, you did notice the pain of the marble floor as you blacked out...


You awoke in an office, such a..familiar and cold place. Shit were you dead? "no you're not dead." A voice said almost seeming to read your thoughts. You looked around till you saw an unfamiliar person, you blinked a few times watching as they held a file and took a sip from their coffee. They seemed to be reading another file completely unbothered by you "i..who?" The man seemed to sigh rolling his eyes annoyed "did you really get that fucked up? It's me Iceberg." So this was the man you had been told about, this was the friend you couldn't remember. Why did he seem so...real "where am I?" You said fully sitting up and holding your head, he took another sip of his coffee making an 'aahh' sound as he swallowed it "my office. Where else would you be?" You swung your legs around to have them on the floor "the hallway floor.. That's where I was last" the man looked at you confused "I found you in your office nearly dead from over working yourself, did that shit give you memory loss or something?" You looked around holding your hands together, you saw the windows all seemed to be completely white..This was something. You looked at him "why am I here?" You asked quietly, he seemed to stop whatever he was doing looking over at you "..." He was quiet as he starred at you before sighing "the windows gave it away huh? You're not dead don't worry." You listened to him as he spoke "you're in your mind in a sense." You cocked an eyebrow "why are you in here? Are you like the peacekeeper of my mind or something?" He shrugged "in a sense, I guess you shut down and needed comfort. I- or well Iceberg used to give you comfort whenever you and Elias had fights." You nodded slowly "he cheated on me.." Iceberg shook his head "no he didn't. Elias would never cheat on you." You glared at Iceberg "I literally saw him! He was in there with Rights! that-" Iceberg cut you off "bitch. Yeah I agree, but again he would never do that. Him and Rights..sure they had a past but he's told her off plenty of times. I'm sure he did that again and you just caught him in a bad spot." You looked away thinking of that..Maybe Iceberg was right "but..." Iceberg swayed their chair side to side "no buts, you know better you just can't remember." 

You stayed in the odd place for a moment listening to the fan on the desk nearby, you asked Iceberg lots of different things and now you contemplated going back. You sighed as you looked at Iceberg "I'm sorry I don't remember you.." Iceberg smiled "you will one day, plus I'm not there so who cares" he shrugged. You smiled at him then looked at the door "what'll happen when I leave?" Iceberg turned in his chair to look over at the door "you'll wake up." You stayed quiet looking back at Iceberg "I..I don't know why I'm so sad about leaving you behind.." Iceberg gave you a comforting smile "Y/n..You're not leaving Iceberg behind.." You blinked about to say something when all you saw was the empty chair before you. His office was dark now to and the couch was more worn. You looked over at the door seeing it open on it's own.. You got up slowly walking over to it, grabbing the door you looked at the white light before you then back at the office. You began to walk towards the light, soon enough you'll wake up..

'Goodbye Iceberg..And thank you'

Memory once lost (Jack Ambrose x Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ