Chapter 13- Once

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(This chapter is heavily referencing code brown an scp story which i highly recommend reading! I did change it though from them meeting inside the foundation to them meeting at the bright family ranch)
Warnings: Abuse mention, sad talks
Words: 3862

The subway stopped finally as you began to stir feeling Lavender shake you, "hey Y/n wake up, your boyfriends outside" she teased you. You chuckled waking up and looking out the window to see none other than Elias himself waiting for you, his hands crossed as he scanned around for you. He finally looked up to the train seeing your face at the window and waved with that smile of his. You quickly grabbed your bag once the train stopped and ran out apologizing to anyone you almost knocked into "Elias!" You smiled "Y/n!" He smiled back at you. Lavender exited the subway as the two of you smiled at each other like idiots "wow Elias can't believe you were doing good behavior for once." Lavender spoke walking past him "I owe ya for doing the impossible." She said fully walking away to who knows where. You were about to follow suit so that you could put your suitcase away when Elias grabbed your wrist "we uh..Need to talk." You felt a bit pale and you also seemed to look it as Elias's eyes widened "no no! Not like that!" He said removing his hand from your wrist "I uh..Look it'd be best to show you um...Come to my office after you get settled back in alright?" You nod as he smiled, he leaned in and kissed your cheek before walking away. You were able to get the slight smell of cologne on him when he had leaned in. You smiled to yourself holding the cheek he kissed before turning around and leaving the subway station.

You had put your suitcase in your room deciding to unpack it later, what Elias wanted to 'show you' was eating at you. You wondered what exactly it could be he wanted to show you, maybe he had figured out a way to fully revert your memories? Maybe he found something of yours you had once held dear? You didn't know and the thought ate at you, you walked down the hallways giving a slight wave or 'hello' to those who passed you doing the same. You finally stood in front of Elias's office, deciding to knock and wait you could hear shuffling on the other side until the door opened. "Hey Y/n! That was fast" he said smiling as you shrugged "sorry I just wanted to know what we needed to talk about...Or what you needed to show me." He nodded closing the door behind you as he cleared his throat "TJ it's okay you can come out." He said in a calm caring voice, you raised an eyebrow at Elias until peaking from the doorway to an extra room was a teenager. He had red curls and freckles littering his skin, he looked almost frightened of you though "oh hello there" you spoke smiling at him. He slowly came out of the room fidgeting with his hands "h-..hello miss.." He said in a low shy voice. Elias had walked over to him side hugging him before looking at you, arm still around the boy "Y/n this is TJ..TJ this is Y/n." You smiled "it's nice to meet you TJ." He looked at you before speaking "we met before though...You used to visit me when Elias was busy.." You felt a twinge of guilt in your heart looking at the boys face. Elias sighed and looked down at him "TJ they can't...Remember. Something bad happened to them so they don't really remember those times. But hey you two can spend time together now and make new memories." TJ had grown quiet as you spoke "I'd like that TJ what about you?" He looked up at you before smiling and nodding.

You don't know how much time had passed, but now you were sitting at Elias's desk drinking some hot cocoa with him as you both watched TJ play with some blocks. You wanted to ask questions about the situation this boy was in, after all you didn't remember the 05 allowing children into the foundation. Almost as if Elias read your mind he spoke "He was an SCP. SCP-590." He took a sip of his hot cocoa as you looked at him from your chair "was? I uh didn't think the foundation let SCPs go. Uh no offense to TJ." Elias looked at you with a serious face he sighed "you don't remember the situation, so I won't hold that comment against you." He put his mug down before speaking again "TJ is my younger brother, he's forever stuck at sixteen. He has the ability to heal people no matter the sickness or injury....Only problem is he ends up inflicted with it." You could see the anger showing on Elias's face as he continued "The foundation abused him." His fist clenched as he bit the inside of his cheek "I fought for years to get custody of him...You helped me a lot during that time..Helped me stay calm at least." He paused almost as if he was remembering "there were days I would come back from a meeting, begging the 05 council on my hands and fucking knees to get custody of TJ." He looked at the kid to make sure he wasn't listening before continuing "I made a tough decision I thought it would help him." You saw the tears begin to brim in Elias's eyes "I couldn't gain custody of him...But as his older brother I had to protect him somehow..I..I." He paused for a moment looking at you, you could see now how tired Elias truly looked at this moment "I..Made him heal so many people with mental disabilities in hopes he would get to a point he couldn't feel pain. But of course, the Shaw bloodline fucked me over and it just made things worse. He was very aware of what was happening to him...It was agony everyday having to sit behind a damn glass and watch him cry..Run away from the doctors after healing someone he was so scared I.." He held his head as you put a hand on his shoulder in an attempt to comfort him "Elias..You tried to do the right thing..Your intentions were good TJs safe now..It's okay. You can protect him now." You felt his body tense up as you spoke; he lifted his head up his emerald green eyes staring into your E/c eyes. You both stared at each other until you both were snapped out of your thoughts by TJ running over with a drawing "look Elias look! I made you and me and Y/n!" He pointed at each of the little characters smiling. Elias's demeanor changed as his smile grew "wow TJ you drew that?? Are you sure you didn't steal this from a museum?" The boy laughed as Elias took the drawing and looked at it, he put an arm around you showing you the drawing "look you matched Y/ns looks perfectly! Good job TJ!" TJ laughed smiling as you nodded "yeah TJ! You're such an amazing artist" you side glanced at Elias seeing his smiling face as he squeezed you a bit in the side hug he was still giving you. 


It had been weeks since coming back to site-19, you had decided to try and get back into working once again. The 05 council thought differently on the matter though, they refused to give you back your original status until you remembered everything. But you were able to still work...As Dr. Shaws new assistant. sure the chaotic doctor had many assistants but what was one more? Though Elias had the idea of keeping you as more of a 'secretary' as it was supposedly easier to do. Now you sat in his office doing some paperwork as you watched TJ in the corner of your eye, you had grown fond of the boy and viewed him as a younger brother to you. The boy now was sat near your desk drawing while he laid on his stomach, he hummed a tune you couldn't quite place as his feet kicked in the air on of his shoes untied. You on the other hand were working on some paperwork Elias had forgot to work on, luckily the work wasn't too hard it was just you having to sign off on things. You felt a tug on your coat as you looked down to see TJ smiling up at you "where's Elias?" He asked. You looked around the office not noticing Elias's disappearance, you put your pen down and fully looked around in your swivel chair stopping once you heard TJ laughing a bit. You looked at him as he was now sitting up, you shrugged "not sure, maybe he's getting some food? I'm sure he's okay hon" you said patting the boys head. You had grown to give TJ nicknames as you noticed his stand-offish behavior when you called him by name at times. Just as you were about to get back to work the door had burst open and Elias had laughing before shutting the door and locking it. He looked over at you two "oh hey guys!" He waved fully turning around. You cocked an eyebrow as you looked at him "Elias? What did you do?" He looked at you before smiling "oh you'll see" he walked over to his desk before sitting down, he pointed his thumb to the large windows behind him looking over the D-class area. You decided to get up and walk over as TJ had preoccupied himself with his drawings again, you looked out the windows seeing some D-class walk around. You looked confused before looking at Elias who was now facing the windows as well in his chair "I'm confused here Elias wha-" He shushed you before pointing "look watch!" You sighed a bit and looked down to see none other than Dr. Clef, you wondered when he got back still watching him. He seemed to be yelling at some D-class pointing fingers as they drew closer to him in an aggressive way, before grabbing the shot gun from his back pointing at specific people. You couldn't tell what he was saying but you knew it didn't look good, just as he seemed to pull the trigger...he paused no sound or shot. He shook his gun a bit and even hit it a few times before aiming it again and shooting, this time it did work..but the shell that was fired out was filled with confetti? You gasped a bit before looking at Elias"you didn't." He laughed "oh I did! That's what he gets for stealing my damn drink, hell I had it labeled and he still took it!" You looked back to the window to see Clef now using the butt of his gun to possibly knock out the D-class that came near him. You shook your head "Elias I love you but isn't this against your rules?" He chuckled before pausing, in fact both of you paused. That had been the first time in a while that you spoke those words, Elias looked up at you from his chair "....say that again." You looked at him "wha-" He got up grabbing your arms, he looked so happy. He looked into your eyes as he held your arms gently, his eyes showing nothing but love "you sound just like your old self...I love yo-" Just as he was about to say the words the door to his office was kicked open "SHAW!" And there stood a very angry Alto Clef.

You had decided to take TJ on a walk while Clef and Elias 'discussed' things, you held the boys hand feeling him sometimes squeeze your hand or walk closer to you when passing by personnel. You looked down at him as he shook a bit before speaking "hey why don't we go get some ice cream yeah? Would you like that hon?" TJ looked up at you before nodding as you led him to the cafeteria. As you both entered you saw Lavender walking out with a tray, she stopped for a moment and walked back backwards "oh hey Y/n! Who's the kid?" TJ hid behind you as you spoke "this is TJ, TJ this is Dr. Lavender she's nice I promise" Lavender smiled down at TJ "don't worry kid I don't bite, oh hey real quick can you tell Elias the 05 want to see him? They've been trying to get ahold of him all day." You nodded "yeah I'll let him know, can you go get Clef from his office though?" Lavender muttered something before sighing "should've known that's where he went, yeah don't worry I'll grab him." She said as she then left leaving you and TJ finally able to get the ice cream you both wanted. 

You made it back to Elias's office with TJ, the both of you had cones of ice cream. TJ was already eating his but you had decided to task yourself with holding two cones in one hand as you walked back, feeling Elias may need some comfort food after the 'meeting' he had with Clef. As you opened the door Elias was sitting in his office chair sighing in relief as he saw you both "oh hey y'all got ice cream?" TJ nodded "Y/n got it for us!" He said happily as you walked over no longer holding TJs hand, you handed the other cone to Elias as you licked your [flavor] ice cream "oh by the way the 05 want to speak with you." Elias sighs "I know, I know what they want too." He shook his head holding his ice cream cone. He looked back up at you "us Shaws have these...Meetings, you were at the last one we had which was just a stupid reunion." You nodded sitting down in the chair nearby as he spoke "and now my sister Claire organized another one. She wants all of us there hell she even wants YOU there which is saying something since well we don't usually invite partners to these things y'know?" You nodded "well I'll happily go if it helps" Elias sighed taking a few licks from his ice cream "no it doesn't help I'd rather never see any of my family again..Well besides TJ but I almost have no choice in the matter." He looked at you "but it does help to have moral support so..Yeah technically you going would help. We'll be leaving tomorrow by the way." You blinked "leaving? Like actually out of the foundation?" Elias nodded "yeah, back to my families old ranch. You'll get to meet everyone allll over again" he said sarcastically before he finally finished his ice cream " we'll stay at the ranch for a few days so pack some stuff I suppose, oh and you'll probably be bunking with me." You coughed a bit feeling the ice cream go down the wrong way "oh uh alright yeah that's fine um should I go pack now?" Elias looked over at the clock and shrugged "yeah I suppose so? It's near quitting time anyways." He got up smiling "come on TJ time to head back to our place" TJ smiled getting up following you and Elias out. Elias used his badge to lock his door as he looked at you "don't stress about this okay? You don't need to impress them. You've already impressed me" he said winking as you laughed "cheesy" he chuckled "you know you love it." He said before giving you a kiss on your cheek and fully walking away TJ following him holding his hand. 


You walked out of the foundation carrying a couple rolling suitcases, after all Elias didn't specify what he meant by 'a few days' so you packed enough just in case. You walked over to Elias's car seeing him wave you down, he smiled at you "you look cute today, trying to impress me?" You laughed "fun-ee" you said as you got in the car. You looked into the back of the car as Elias walked to the drivers side seeing TJ, you smiled at him as he watched something on a tablet with headphones on. Elias got in sighing happily as he shut the door and began to check things off to himself "TJ check, suitcases check, Y/n check, the weed check." You looked at him as he laughed "what? You'll need some too when you meet them trust me." He started up the car reversing and driving out of the foundations parking lot. You looked out the window for a moment watching as the car stopped before being allowed to leave, Elias spoke "okay so I guess you probably need to know some family members right?" You looked at him before nodding "yeah I'd probably need to know about the ones who are showing up" he took a breath in then out before speaking "well my dad refuses to go to these things, so no need to worry about him." He muttered a 'thank god' under his breath you barely caught "my sister Claire is the one who organized this whole thing, there's my older brother Mikell. Um..My uh grandson Yorick." You looked confused at Elias "wait you have a kid?" He coughed awkwardly "uh probably multiple, Yorick is an adult though so..Yeah his parent was born a long time ago..The mom never told me." You nodded letting him continue "there's Serra Argent..She's okay I guess." Jack paused for a moment again "there's well nobody..It's hard to identify them..You'll get what I mean when you meet..Her..Him? Them? I don't know." You nodded again before looking in the cars mirror checking to see if TJ was okay as Elias continued "There's Claire the second, she's not with the foundation. Of course, there's also David...He also doesn't work with us and he's kinda not fond of us. He's my nephew" you nodded again "that's uh a lot of family.." Elias laughed "but wait there's more!" He tried to joke before continuing "of course I have many nephews and nieces cause Mikell can't just..Uh y'know um oh! There's also my mom Evelyn she likes you..I think? It's hard to tell sometimes." Elias then smiled "and finally there's Tamlin he's trustworthy." You nodded as Jack finally let out a breath of relief "that was a mouthful." He shook his head as he continued to drive "we should be there soon by the way, wanna listen to some tunes?" You nodded as he smiled and turned on the radio.

Elias finally parked at the place he once called his home, he noticed a few other cars and sighed knowing whose cars they were. He looked at you and TJ seeing you both fast asleep after all it had taken a few hours to get here, he shook you awake "Y/n we're here." You yawned stretching a bit as he got out of the car heading to TJs seat to also wake him up. You looked at the ranch sensing the familiarity within the place, you opened your car door hearing TJ wake up and the sound of footsteps on the rocks under your feet. Turning your head, you were faced with an unfamiliar face "well well if it ain't Y/n." You cocked an eyebrow as he continued "ah don't worry about rememberin' me I already know your situation." He said before walking past you to head inside. Elias had come up behind you and patted your shoulder "don't let anyone get to you okay?" You nodded as Elias smiled handing you a suitcase "can you take TJ and his stuff in? I'll get everything else." You nodded as you peered over at TJ who was rubbing his eyes still tired looking, you took his hand "come on hon it's okay" he didn't speak as you led him inside unsure where to exactly go you walked into what looked like a living room. Pausing a moment when you noticed a rather young woman look over at you "well then look what the cat dragged in, didn't think Elias would bring ya'" The woman said while her arms were crossed leg over the other as she sat on the couch "I heard about your situation hell almost everyone in the family does so-" She stood up walking over to you "I'm Serra, Serra Argent" she offered her hand to you, as you put down TJs suitcase you shook her hand "uh nice to meet you again I suppose." Serra nodded "same here Y/n."

You both were interrupted by Elias walking in "hey Y/n follow me I'll show you the rooms!" You nodded grabbing TJs suitcase again following Elias with TJs hand still in yours, you heard the boy yawn again as you followed Elias up the stairs being met with a rather long hallway. Elias dropped a suitcase opening the door to his old room he just kicked the suitcase in as he walked through "here's where you and me will be sleeping at." You nodded looking around the room "looks nice, cozy too" Elias chuckled "I guess it does when you're used to metal walls huh? TJ follow me I'll show you to your room while Y/n gets settled." He put a hand on TJs back leading him out as you noticed your second suitcase was missing "lemme go grab that-" You said to yourself before making your way out of the room and down the stairs. Heading back outside you bumped into a boy "oh my I'm so sorry-" The boy jumped back from you before fixing his shirt "It's fine Y/n." He said before just walking past you hitting your shoulder with his. You tried to ignore how well rude he was as you went and grabbed your suitcase. You heard footsteps behind you before hearing a voice "ah hello Y/n! It's good to see you!" You turned around to be met with a smiling face "oh hello!" You said back smiling at the man, a good change around this place "oh here let me help" he said as he grabbed your suitcase "Elias's room right?" You nodded "I uh can carry it-" He shook his head "no, no it's common curtesy to help guests." He paused his talking for a moment as he walked back into the house with you following him "oh my I forgot about what happened, you don't remember me do you?" You shook your head at him as he chuckled "that's alright" he smiled walking up the stairs "I'm Tamlin, I guess you can call me the peacekeeper of this family" he chuckled "it's good to meet you..again Tamlin." You smiled at him as he set your suitcase down near Elias's door, Elias was in the room already putting things away "ah hello Elias!" Tamlin waved as Elias smiled at him "hey Tamlin!" He waved back as Tamlin looked at you "if you need anything let me know okay?" You nodded "oh thank you by the way!" You called out as he began to walk down the stairs, he simply waved back as a response. 

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