Chapter 15 - Be mine?

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Warning: Mikell being an ass, saddness
notes: this'll be short as it's a part one, part two will be out soon

You had been staying here for a day or so, and the boy known as 'Yorvik' refused to practically stop staring at you. Almost like you were some creature, you began to wonder if this was how the SCPs felt. Right now you had walked to the back yard of the ranch needing some fresh air, many of the family were still around. You could see Mikell brushing some horse, you thought now was a good time as any to see if you two had once known each other. Sure the two of you seemed to acknowledge each other, but you never actually chatted. Your hands fidgeted with the brim of your {upper wear} as you walked over, a wave of anxiety washing over you as you grew closer to the man. He didn't even turn as he acknowledged your existance "hello Y/n." You froze "uh..Hey Mikell." He continued to brush the horse not looking at you, it was quiet before he dropped the brush next to him and turned to look at you, he rested his head in his hand as his elbow pressed on his leg that was now crossed over. He looked up at you with a 'may I help you' face before speaking "yesss?" He outstretched his yes sounding like an ass, the man even fluttered his eyelashes at you. You cringed a bit almost wanting to walk away and forget your 'plan', but you stood your ground "do we..Look I know I probably shouldn't be piling this on you but I'm sure you probably know my situation." The man nodded "yep. Everyone does." He was sounding more and more annoyed as he spoke, you fidgeted with your hands a bit "I we know each other? Are there any memories?" Mikell immediately shook his head "no." He said in an irritated voice "there was never anything between us, nor we were friends. You're my little brothers fling and that's it." He said beginning to turn back to the horse. You looked at him confused "fling? What?" Mikell chuckled "Elias is immortal, and whether you are or not he's not gonna stay with you. He's a Shaw it's in his blood to a bastard. Just like me." He said and pet the horse patting it here and there as he seemed to try and smooth it's mane. "Hell Yorvik is proof of his..broken promises." 

You walked back in the house from you and Mikell's 'conversation' so many questions and not enough answers. Did Elias cheat on you? You shook your head, no..he'd never do that. He's been so caring towards you, he's tried so hard to 'get you back'. Why would he do so if you were just some fling? Obviously you and Mikell seemed to have bad blood, and now you felt a feeling in your stomach to stay away from the man. Something about him seemed to...Intimidate you. You walked up the stairs grunting in pain 'Fucking cramps really?' At least you guessed it were cramps. You took a breath in and out before continuing your walk, finally making it to Elias's room you knocked on the door "Elias?" You didn't hear a response and walked in. Elias was no where to be seen, you looked around the room concerned to not see him anywhere. The thoughts of what Mikell had told you now seemed to plague your mind, it plagued your mind so badly you didn't even feel the comforting hand of Tamlin on your shoulder. You jumped before looking behind you and sighing in relief "oh hello Tamlin" the tall Shaw smiled at you "hello Y/n! You seem something the matter?" You looked at Tamlins worried face as you felt his hand hold your shoulder a bit tighter "oh no, no! Just looking for Elias is all" Tamlin smiled "oh! He's in Tjs room! Here I can show you where it is!" He smiled happily leading you down the hallway.

Tamlin had led you to a door some ways down the hallway, the door had little drawings taped to it and you could hear something playing on the other side along with some talking. You tried to listen in to what they could be saying but Tamlin simply opened the door. On the other side Elias and TJ were on the floor, Elias sitting up while TJ laid on his stomach with his feet kicking slightly in the air. Jack looked up over at you before quickly grabbing something in front of him and hiding it behind him "oh heyyyyyy Y/n-" He said nervously as he looked at you. You raised an eyebrow "what was that?" He looked at you "what was what?" You crossed your arms unamused "the thing you hid behind your back." Tamlin stood there having a feeling this wasn't going to go well. Elias looked away "uhh nothing!" You didn't want to argue with Elias, you were tired of arguing with the man. You began to slowly think Mikell may of been right, maybe all you were was some fling. You turned around and just walked away from TJs room, leaving Elias and Tamlin looking confused.


You sat in the living room alone, the other members of the Shaw family seemed to all be busy with their own things. It was a good change of pace for once, to finally sit back and relax in a home and not some break room. To not have to always look over your shoulder..or avoid looking over it. You had tuned everything out, the sound of Evelyns humming as she dusted the house, the footsteps of Mikell and Claire as they never seemed to sit down, the staring of Yorvik whenever he passed by the living room entrance and the sound of a cane hitting against the floor. Only when you felt a pressure on the couch did you finally begin to tune things in, you looked around before looking next to you seeing none other than David next to you holding his cane. "oh Hey David" the man nodded at you "hello Y/n, pleasure to speak to you again." The two of you seemed to always find yourselves in an empty room together. He tilted his head at you before speaking.

"I feel as if my father said something to you." You looked confused "huh? How did yo-" He interrupted you "no need to worry about that, just listen." You were intrigued at what David could possibly say, after all it couldn't be any worse than Mikell's words right? You turned a bit to look at David better as he spoke "don't listen to anything my lousy father has to say, any bullshit he spews out his mouth is not worth your mind." You nodded as he continued "though I am curious as to what he could've told you." You sighed a bit to yourself as you began to recount what Mikell had said to you "all I asked was if we had known each other before I lost my memory" David interrupted you "he did." You looked confused at him, then confused at why Mikell would exactly lie. But it seemed you were going to get your answers as David continued "you used to be on my side with a lot of things, Mikell didn't like that you were in the 'Shaws business', that business being the lives of his illegitimate children." Your eyes widened a bit as he continued "you two got into a spat one day, I don't exactly remember why you two got into a spat but you did. Tamlin had to keep you two apart as all you two wanted to do was argue with each other." You nodded "so..Mikell hates me?" David shrugs "I'm unsure if that's the word, but he has a dislike for you I believe. Just as he has one for me and Elias, and then again he's an old man who no one loves. So again don't take anything he says with a grain of salt." You nodded again feeling your mind at ease "thank you David." 

You sat in you and Elias's room, you hadn't really paid attention to the day or really did anything. You almost felt afraid to do anything in this house, feeling as if everyone was staring at you..Well there was one person so..yeah. You looked over to the door as it opened and Elias stood there, he looked at you holding something "I'm sorry if it seemed like I was hiding stuff from you, I wasn't tr-" You interrupted him "no no..I'm sorry Elias I was just upset over some shit Mikell said" Elias's face seemed to grow a little pissed "what did he say." He asked you as he frowned "I already talked about it to David Elias, please don't start anything." Elias sighed as he looked at your pleading face "fine fine..Oh! uh here" he handed you something, a small note 

'Will you be my Valentines?' 

Memory once lost (Jack Ambrose x Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora