Another authors note

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Hello everyone, Ik ik y'all are probably upset that this isn't an official update and I apologize for that. 
I have been taking a hiatus from writing since i had writers block for awhile plus the drama with Dr. Bright/Shaw really made my mental health decline by like a lot. 

So this will be a semiserious authors note and i would appreciate it if anyone reading this read it fully, and I hope to not get any form of hate for this. 
All things I'm saying in here do have screenshots to back it up but I am unsure fully if the allegations are even true. 

I have left this book on pause for multiple reasons, one being my mental health. The drama with changing Brights name to Shaw really messed me up, I saw a fandom i loved for being not so toxic turn toxic immediately. And once I thought everything was over the waves came crashing in again. 

I was perfectly fine with Dr. Brights name change in the beginning out of respect for the victims as I can completely understand why the wouldn't want to see their groomers technical name everywhere. So I spent days rewriting multiple works on here and on my Tumblr, i had spent days finding old videos on my youtube and renaming the 'Bright' titles to Shaw. I spent days going through multiple tik tok videos to find ones that had mentions of 'Bright' so that i could remake them and delete them once I remade them. 

But then drama appeared, turns out the creator of Elias Shaw is also a pretty bad guy. Again I'm unsure if some of the stuff is true but i like to be a believer of the victim first than being a believer of a possible abuser. I've seen screenshots on tumblr of him being a pretty assholish person and screenshots of his victim trying to speak with SCP wiki staff into what he's done. And yes you can find the screenshots (just search up my Tumblr Dxwnfxll and scroll a bit you'll be able to find them) 

After this drama happened me and my friend created a new new version of Shaw/Bright named 'Dr. Jack "Robby" Ambrose' who keeps some of the same things as Dr. Bright/Shaw but erasing all the awful things the original character had done (example: P3dophilla, Beasty stuff, F3etishization etc) and I wanted to rework this book again with this new name but I just couldn't and even now I can't. 

I do want to continue it one day, but that day may not be for awhile and I apologize for that. I've taken a hiatus from the SCP fandom as well so my brain has been wrapped around other things. 

Again I want to clarify that I'm not 100% sure if the allegations are even true, all I've seen are screenshots of Shaws creator being a dick and a plead to the SCP wiki staff by a possible victim. So please don't be spreading hate in my comment section over this. I'm trying to stay neutral with the situation, so I thought in everyone's best interest for my pages to not have any mentions of Shaw or Bright and to just use a new name for said character. 

This book will stay paused until an unknown date, but I will be working on other books (or at least try to) thank you to those who understand, and I do apologize if this seems rushed. 

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