Chapter 17

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"Remember, we're on defcon one now that he's back here. Ahri's to stay in her room until she's out of her heat, we all know she'll try to trick us to lift all the steel doors and curtains that we have over all the potential exits in her room." I say as we walk out of Y/N's room, "Don't disappoint me, Akali."

"I'll try not to." Akali says and I look over to Kai'sa, "See you two in a few hours."

"I really hate discussing brand deals." I mumble to myself as Kai'sa and me walk to the front door.

Akali's POV

Ok... what to do for now? I mean I am getting slightly hungry.

"Akali, let me out. I'm perfectly fine." Ahri says as I walk by her room and I just keep walking, "Come on, you know I'm fine."

Not falling for it, Foxy, you're like a sister to me but you got me with that once before and I'm not letting another incident like that happen again... that poor, poor guy.

As I grab a pack of instant ramen I hear loud bangs coming from upstairs, good thing we got vault strength steel for just this occasion.

"Akali! Let me out!" Ahri yells before I put my headset on.

"I'll just check on him in an hour." I think to myself as I turn on the computer.

Two hours later

I take the headset off and sigh before looking at the time, "That went longer then I expected."

Just as I stand up I hear a loud bang and I start running upstairs. I see a large dent on the metal over Ahri's door.

"I know you're there, Akali." Ahri says and I back away from her door, "I'm getting out one way or another."

"The hell you are you furry!" I yell and I hear her loudly gasp.

"You didn't just say that!" She yells back and I snicker, "Take that back!"

"I don't think I will." I say before walking away.

"Shinobi!" She yells before I walk into Y/N's room and close the door behind me, "He looks fine, still out of it though."

He stirs and I see something on his thigh start dimly glowing, I remember reading about that black colored glow being a mark of some kind but I can't exactly remember it right now. I start to dig in the drawer since I remember seeing Kai'sa write something down, I don't find the note but I find some medication, "Take two tablets twice a day if mark returns."

I open the top and drop two tablets into the palm of my hand before setting the bottle down on the nightstand next to a glass of water.

"Not the best way to do this." I think to myself as I open his mouth, "But it's the only way that I can do right now."

I drop the tablets in his mouth and adjust his body to where his back is against the wall and he's slightly sitting up.

"Here goes nothing." I think to myself as I grab the glass of water that was on the nightstand, "Just don't drown him, Akali."

Kai'sa's POV

"That took longer than expected." Eve says as we get in my Supra, "I'm beat."

"Eat something first before you sleep." I say before she sighs "What?"

"I don't know. I just thought he'd be awake by now." She says as she walks past me.

"These things take time, Eve. You can't rush someone's healing." I say and she sighs, "Now come on, I've got something in mind I can cook for you."

Akali's POV

"Get back you horny fox!" I yell throwing a chair that sends Ahri flying backwards and I immediately run for a button on the wall next to the door, "Not today, furry!"

"You bi-" Ahri was yelling before she was cut off by a large, thick metallic door slamming down.

"She's definitely going to kill me later." I mumble under my breath walking over to Y/N.

*Now these people actin' like they mothafucking know me
I was in the dirt didn't hear you saying "homie"
New me going crazy don't you talk about the old me
Everyone at school started watching from the nosebleeds
Got these enemies, so I do what mama told me
Just lemme breathe*

"Hello?" I ask after answering the phone.

"Who are you." A masculine Freljordian voice angrily asks, "Where's Y/N?"

"Just keep the act up and own it." I think to myself before speaking up, "I'm his girlfriend, he's been unconscious for three days now. I'm surprised his cousin didn't tell you."

"Surprises me that he was able to get a girlfriend, Tryndamere hardly ever speaks to me." The man says before hanging up.

I sigh and then put his phone back on the nightstand. I never really knew my dad but at least I know he wouldn't say something like that if I was dating someone, he'd probably be more surprised if I could hold a stable relationship more than anything.

"What the hell happened here?!" Eve yells from downstairs.

"Hehe, I'm in danger." I think to myself as I hear Ahri run away from the door.

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