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    It was 8:00pm. Reo and his mother were sitting in the dining room for dinner. Maids were serving plates to them. When everything was done, maids left the room.

    Reo was about to start  eating when he got interrupted by his mother's words.

    “I've come up with a decision.” Reo looked at her as she continued “you already know that the famous businessman Mr.KD showed his interest in buying this company. So I'm thinking about-"

    “No." He looked at her with his cold gaze. "This is my Father's company and you don't have any right to interfere in this matter.” He said with an angry tone.

    “Mind your language Reo, you are talking to your mother.”

    He let out a laugh in disbelief.

    “ ‘Mother’ who left her 12 year old son for a stranger. And after six years, she suddenly appears from nowhere. I still don't understand how did dad forgive you?”

    “I'm sorry. I know I was wrong and I'm really sorry for that.”

    “Do you think that a ‘sorry’ could solve everything? Do you think that a ‘sorry’ could change the past?”


    “And the company, you don't have to worry about that. You don't have any idea how much dad struggled for ‘The Dream productions’! It's not just a name. It was his dream. So please stay away from this matter.” taking a pause he continued “I don't feel like eating. So excuse me.”

    With that he got up from his seat and left the dining room. His mother wanted to stop him, but she couldn't dare to call his name. She already knew, it was too late for a ‘sorry’.


    Reo was in his bedroom, standing in front of the window with a glass of wine in his hand. 

    “No matter how much I try, I can't change the truth.”

    He ran his fingers through his hair, brushing them back.

    “Everything is over and I'm responsible for this.”

He drank the whole glass in one sip.

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