Inner Voice

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“Is this a joke?”

She said annoyingly as she was now in a nightclub. Leaving a sigh she then tried to look for Reo; when suddenly an arm wrapped around her shoulder.

“Wanna dance with me?” Asked a random guy with a flirtatious look on his face. He was probably drunk. In return Jenny gave him a death glare and stepped on his foot.

    “OWW~” He whined in pain.

With that she left the scene.

    “What happened bro?” the other guy asked.

    “She said no bro.” first one replied

    “Don't worry I'll dance with you bro.”



    Jenny was searching for Reo everywhere.

“Ugh~ where am I supposed to find him?”

Her eyes landed on the bar counter, Reo was sitting on one of the chairs. She immediately went to him.

“Reo sir?!”

Reo turned his attention to her.

“Youu?..oh! The weirdo! nicee too meet youu again!”

“Wha- w-weirdo?! How can he- ahh~ forget it.” She was trying to control her anger.

“Excuse me? Do you know him?” Asked the bartender.

“um ,yes.” She said annoyingly.

“So, can you please pay for him?”


“Actuallyy I forgot myy wallet.” said Reo.

“Again?” She gave him a disbelief look. Then she turned to the bartender. 

“How much is it?”

“390 bucks only.”


“Only.” Bartender said with a nod.

She looked at Reo.





“M-my money..” 

They both were now out of the club. 

“how am I going to survive for the whole month?! Why? Just why??”

“Stopp complaaining and walk fasst.”

She glared at Reo who was walking with her support.

They went to the nearby bus stop. Without thinking twice she angrily threw him on the bench, which caused his head to hit against the glass wall of the bus stop.

“Ouch! Oww~”

“Oh no!!” She immediately realised her mistake, so she went closer to him and started to rub the back of his head. “I'm sorry! I'm really sorry!!”

He looked at her worried face, her innocent eyes hidden behind those glasses..

As soon as she noticed his stare, she immediately stepped back from him. Which made his head hit the wall again.

“Ahh~ What are youu dooing?”

“I-I'm sorry..” She looked away from him “ugh why is this happening? And this Kento, he is not even picking up his phone. Guess, I'll have to call for a cab.”

Suddenly she heard the sound of a phone ringing. It was Reo's phone. She looked at him, his eyes were closed and his head was resting against the wall. She finally decided to take out the phone from his pocket. Jenny saw the caller ID, it was ‘Dad’s Wife’

“huh~ this boy!.. Should I pick up the call?” without wasting more time she received the call. But before she could say anything a worried voice started to talk.

“Hello? Reo! Thank god you picked up your phone. Where are you? Are you okay-” 


“Who is this? Where is Reo? What happened-”

“Ma'am please calm down! He is alright! Actually…”


“So I've to wait for his mom now.” leaving a deep sigh she sat on the bench beside Reo. She turned her eyes to him. “How can he be so irresponsible?!”

Suddenly, she saw a teardrop roll down his cheek.

“Is he..crying..?”’

Somewhere in her heart she felt the pain for him. She then took out a handkerchief from her sling bag. As she was about to wipe his tears..he suddenly grabbed her wrist..which made her flinch. He opened his eyes and looked at her.

“ weren't actually lost thaat day..”


“Youu..made that up, so youu can stop mee.”


“Whaat do you think of youurself? A savior or something? huh?..I somehow got courage kill myself thaat dayy, but.. Youu stopped me..i wanted to end everything thaat dayy, but stopped me..” by each word, his grip on her wrist was getting tighter “you know was of no use..because I'm dying everyday.” Reo was getting dizzy. His eyes were getting heavier. He loosen the grip on her wrist, his head was about to hit the glass wall again, but before that she placed her hand between his head and the wall. Then she gently let his head rest on her shoulder. Looking down at her hand, she could see the red mark on her wrist caused by Reo's grip. Leaving a deep sigh, she turned her eyes to the empty road and the day of their first meet flashed in front of her eyes..

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