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“Are you sure you wanna start a new project? A new film?”

“I know there are many things I have to look for, but I still wanna start this one.” Reo answered to the person standing in front of him. They both were in Reo's office. 

“I don't understand what you are thinking Reo.” The person replied.

“Trust me, even I have no idea why I am doing this.”

The person left a sigh over Reo's words “And why do you think I'll agree to direct your film?”

“Because I already know that you are the only one, to whom I can rely on in this situation.”

“If only you weren't my junior in high school, then I wouldn't have accepted this.”

“Which means you are ready to direct this film?!” A little excitement was in his tone.

“Do I have any other choice?” 

“Thank you so much Kento!” 

A cheerful smile appeared on Reo's face as his Director friend Kento agreed to work with him. 

“So, where is the script?” 

“Yeah wait-”

“Forget it. Send it to me later.” Kento said, breaking Reo's words, “We are meeting after a long time, let's have a coffee together.”

“Sure” Reo gave him a nod with a slight smile.

With that, they both made their way out.

Reo turned the doorknob and was about to go outside when suddenly..

“What the- what are you doing here?!” He exclaimed when he saw the ‘writer girl’ standing in front of him.


“Don't tell me..were you eavesdropping?” Reo asked before she could say anything.

“What? NO! no..I was about to knock but then you opened the door.” She said, clarifying the situation.

“Who is she?” Asked Kento, who was still unaware of her identity.

“Oh. She is the writer of this film..miss..” He looked at her “miss?”

“Miss..?” Kento asked.

“Miss??” asked her confused self.

“Ugh~ what's your name?” Reo questioned annoyingly.

“What? You selected me and you don't know my name?” She said in disbelief.

“ never told me your name. How am I supposed to know then.” 

“But I have submitted my details, you could have checked it once.”

“She's got the point. After all she is the writer. You should at least know her name.” Kento said, taking her side.

“I know it's just-”

“Forget it. Let me introduce myself.” She said getting both the boy's attention. “Name: Jenny, Age: 23, Height: 5 '3, weight: 50 kg, Address-”

“Wait wait wait! We are not making your passport. We just wanted to know your name.” Reo said, cutting her words.

“Oh sorry..” Jenny was getting nervous.

“I hope you've made the right choice Reo.” Kento said, concerned “anyway, I'll wait for you in the cafeteria.”

Kento gave a disbelieving look to Jenny before leaving the place; while she stayed there, confused.

Reo turned his attention to her.

“ actually came here to thank you.”

Reo wasn't expecting these words from her.

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