Chapter 2: Wind Tribe Ronin

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(Artwork is done by AI. It's  Niel, the Wind Tribe Ronin)

(??? Pov: Date: 1800 and up)

It was an ordinary day in the Wind Tribe, I'm African American,
six foot,
raised as a ninja to specialize in assassination and sabotage,
my parents were citizens of the Light Ttibe,
home of the Japanese style Light Demons that fight like samurai and shogun.
When I was five,
my father died in war and left me his Wakizashi as my inheritance,
it took me and ma a year to relocate to a Tribe we were allies with,
it wasn't an easy journey but still a journey,
apon arriving at the double giant wooden gates,
a servant to the Tribe's Chief took us in where we met Chief Intetsuo,
he agreed to make us citizens,
but in exchange,
I was to be taken from my mother while I was still young and trained in the arts of ninjutsu.

Age thirteen,
my mother died of an unspecified illness before I could even enroll in the military,
now I live alone at age twenty-two,
my emotional attachment to anyone or anything is gone,
and my ninjutsu training honing my body to taking beatings until pain in itself has become numb,
now I serve as one of the retainers to Chief Intetsuo wearing traditional navy blue ninja outfit,
speaking very fluent Japanese when need be but I'd rather speak English.

After countless years of service, the Light Tribe,
Flame Tribe and Wind Tribe went to war against the Dusk Tribe and Water Tribe.
We had numbers,
and they had power.
In the climax of the war,
I learned of my true heritage,
I was half Shadow demon and Lightning demon.
Thus, when I used my power, I invented a new way of fighting,
Shadow Lightning.
I've done a good job at concealing my heritage sense.

Half breeds of any race are looked down upon,
I can create weapons out of aura, so that's good enough for my Tribe not to question me.
In the early ninteen hundreds, the Demon Council was evented because the race was feeding way too much on humans,
and thus,
the world slowly began to know of our existence and created the Church,
a super secret organization that calls themselves the Shadow Government. The Demon Council visited all Tribes and forced us to cooperate in the name of the greater good or be wiped off the face of the earth,
we agreed because who wants to pick a fight with them?

Twenty sixteen,
present year,
a lone man leads a handful of survivors out of the war and back to their family's while simultaneously ending the Exorcist.
That man's stories would then be spread by the survivors and he'd go down in all our history as a Demon Lord, shortly after the death of the Demon Council, the crazies as I like to call them, went back to mercilessly feeding apon humans and in between my job, I take it apon myself to assassinate those crazies.

With my origin story out of the way, letsbring you up to speed now, ordinary by Wind Tribe standards,
we hold a meeting in our wooden fortress hidden in the trees, and all the people in power begin to bicker about our course of action,
the first party wants to go back to the old ways and eat humans with no control, the second party wants to go back to war with the Dusk Ttibe and finally my boss, he negotiated with bith parties and somehow came to a compromise between both parties,
kinda. Chief Intetsuo decides to pass law that we can eat as much as we want and send word to the Dusk Tribe for a peace negotiation between all major sides, failure to cooperate would result in the continuation of a three hundred and sixteen year long war.

Or at least the law would have been passed if it wasn't for all the racket going on outside,
I heard gunfire,
mix between a handgun and a shotgun, our men were screaming and yelling, but within twenty seconds,
the noise dies down.
It was quite eerily quiet.
I put my hand on my Chokuto sword on the back of my lower back and orepare to draw it while also summoning my 1887 Bootleg Lever Action Shotgun. I channel my aura through it and steady my aim at our double doors,
leading into our massive office.
I hear two knocks that echoed through the room.

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