Chapter 37: Terra VS Brandon Valla

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(Terra's POV)

In the far corner of the room,
I have Sora positioned on top of two of my familiars,
ready to throw her full force at Brandon. Sora was looking paler by the second and having difficulty breathing,
I'd say she has about ten minutes top for reasons I don't know or can't explain. She wasn't like this prior to Chase and Seth getting a hole punched in them. Could it be some sort of link?
I rushed Brandon directly and started using my speed advantage to punch and
kick Brandon in the face.

His scales were hard as hell and made my fist bleed,
but I pushed through the pain.
If I don't,
Seth and Chase will die,
Sora will die,
our allies will all die,
and the world will descend into his dictatorship where he alone is the only demon alive.
A self-proclaimed god.

I kick Brandon in the chin,
launching him into the air and punching a lightning bolt at him,
resulting in a loud and big explosion. "Demons of your caliber were everywhere when I was your age. You are just another common Demon from a  mediocre world, your battle prowess, your strength, your speed. It's  all mediocre at its best."
My volley blows aren't even making a dent!

I pound away at him more as he continues to block and strike at me.
It quickly turned into a counter battle, and I was losing fast,
his eyes frequently eyeing Sora,
so he knows where she is.
Brandon turns the tide with his ice spear and lands flesh wounds while beating me senseless with it like it's a damn bow staff!
I punch him in the face only for him to counter with a Bruce Lee 1 inch punch as I go skidding back!
Damn him!

Brandon zones in on me and prepares to stab my head,
I grab his spear and discharge my lightning in a dome,
launching Bradon back as direct counter.
He gets up with his spear and aggressively walks towards me with a snister smile.
I run and hit him with a flying kick to the throat,
launching him back some more and once again throws punches kicks,
round house kicks.

"I hope you realize such mediocre attacks won't work on me."
I knock him airborne,
teleport behind him,
and spiral him head first into the ground,
I turn my body into pure electricity for a moment long enough to avoid harming myself and shoot back out of the air with my normal body.

I take a page out of Seth's book and punch a beam of electricity at Brandon, and it does connect,
but those dragon scales render my attack ineffective.
Brandon teleports to me,
and gut punches me hard enough for me to vomit up blood,
then side kicked me in the arm hard enough to break it!
I skid back some feet and hold my arm, fuck I'm out of breath!

Brandon looks at me with a bored expression,
then at Sora,
I'm out of options now.
Once again,
I must take a page out of Seth's book,
but unlike Seth,
who can use Limit Overdrive a maximum of ten times,
I have secretly trained my body into unlocking twelve.
I know what it will do to my body,
but still,
I'd rather be the one to die than to have everyone die,
as a sister and a friend it's the most I can do for my loved ones.

I rush towards Brandon at full speed and fire off all twelve of my Limit Overdrives at once,
causing my power to be multiplied by twelve,
my long white hair now gets spikey and curly as my electricity flows through me without restraint and as I drew back my fist,
my electricity turns from blue to gold! "Ooooh, this is an interesting turn of events. Come and get me!"
I blitz Brandon before knew what was coming,
causing him to roll across the floor. "Artic Sphere!"

He casts an ice barrier around his body like a dome,
I relentlessly pound away at it,
making giant cracks appear and soon break!
Brandon has the deer in the headlight expression as he releases fear.
All he could do was take my blows. Brandon recasts the barrier stronger then he conjures a familiar to chuck ice daggers at me,
I dodged only to be blasted by a gizzare of pressurized water that took the skin off my body until I was only layer skin, meat and bones,
on top of that my own lightning zapped me from being wet but I regained control over my lightning and healing factor reproduces new skin as if I was never hurt at all.

I grit my teeth and look at Brandon furiously as he takes the counter offensive against me.
All I could do was block,
deflect, parry, sidstep,
and then counterattack.
I punch two lightning beams that shatter through Brandon's barrier,
then drop kick him.
I keep the pressure up to a standstill in hand to hand combat,
neither one of us gaining the advantage over the other.

"Alright, I'll confess that you and your annoying family are worthy of being feared, but that fear dies today!" Brandon kicks me away and merges a lightning rune with a shadow rune and blast black lightning at me,
I bob, weave, dodge, duck,
and jump over each blast then whale into Brandon with punches to the lower jaw,
kicks to the liver and calf muscles. Brandon Judoh throws me,
and I've noticed he's stopped looking at Sora.
He's so hyper focused on me that he dropped his guard.
Brandon yells as I feel the recoils of the Limit Overdrives locking back in.
My hearts feel like they're having a heart attack!

My familiars chuck Sora right at Brandon,
and he noticed too little,
too late as Sora hits him with a full powerd punch to the stomach,
whipping up a massive explosion and dust cloud.
The last Limit Overdrive reattaches,
and I grip the center of my chest, struggling to breathe,
my muscles cramping and recoilng from moving at speeds they are unprepared for!

The dust cloud dies down as Brandon is becomes visible and what I saw pissed me off to no end,
the bastard was alive but a upper half of a body.
He regenerates as if nothing happened and proceeds to grow in size,
breaking the ceiling and upper floors and eventually the pyramid entirely!

What. The. Hell?!
Brandon reaches for me and Sora,
my body absolutely refused to move! Dammit body!
Brandon grabs me and Sora and then applies pressure to our bodies hard enough for our bones to break!
All we could do was scream in pain until we passed out.
What happened after was our bodies being tossed onto a random floating island,
and that was when my eyes slowly began to close as I saw the pitch white void of a sky above.
Is this............ where we die?
Chase, Sora, Seth.
I'm so sorry.
I failed as your sister.

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