Chapter 33: 1v1 Sora vs Lu Bu

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(Sora's POV)

I land on my feet and see an identical room to the throne room I was in, throne included.
I looked around,
and it was just me and one other person in the darkest part of the room.
Foot steps were heard,
followed by a dragging noise,
a silhouette appears,
approaching the light from the torch, and it was a big buff zombie with a Chinese hairstyle holding his chinese halberd by the hilt.
I unsap the strap on my back and pull my spear over my shoulder.
"Who the hell are you beef cake?"
I take a low stance,
and the body builder of a zombie just keeps walking and dragging his halberd.

"Lu...... Bu."
He stops in front of me,
but out of my spear's range,
the light fully illuminated his body,
scars all over,
black baggy pants with a fur belt and a tiger buckle,
hair grows into his side burns and into a goatee,
a few ribs visible,
an eye missing,
noose markings around his neck,
I think he was hung in history if I remember correctly,
I don't know,
much less care.
Seth's always been the history nerd between us siblings.
Lu Bu readies his halberd and swings with one hand,
I push kick him away,
seeing no need to block the attack,
Lu Bu hunches over and looks at me as I zone in on him and kick him in the nuts hard enough to make his upper skeleton fly out of his body like an unzipped coat.

Lu Bu recovers as if the kick never happened.
No doubt it's Brandon's shenanigans.
He likely spent some demonic energy to heal him.
"Get the hell up, I'm not done breaking you yet."
Lu Bu gets up and puts two hands on his halberd and with a single destuctive blow,
he vertically slams his weapon,
I dodge,
he viscously swings his halberd like an axe rather than a polearm,
I may not have been paying too close attention to Seth talk about Lu Bu and history,
but I've heard enough to know a polearm's primary function is a spear first and an axe second.

I continuously dodge each swing,
a powerful shockwave dicing up the room like a meat cleaver going through the meat.
This man's strikes are so predictable that I'm able to dodge simply by seeing his body language.
The barrages keep happening and happening until I rush in and impale his throat with a swoft thrust of my spear. Blood gushes from his throat as I yank my spear back out,
his throat closes in no time,
and he keeps hacking away,
and so I keep dodging and dodging, counter attacking whenever I feel like it.

Lu Bu thrusts his halberd,
but I jump over it and counter with my own thrust,
once again impaling his throat and getting sprayed in the face,
neck, and my biker coat.
"Yuuuck, now I got to clean this when I get home."

I picked up the pase and hit him in the back of the head with the hilt where the skull is at its most vulnerable.
The human skull has two major weak points,
the back where the brain is kept in or the middle of the top of the head,
where the skull has a vulnerable spot. From the time all humans are born,
the skull has these three lines where they meet in the center of the top of the head,
probably to keep the brain safe,
I don't know,
but what I do know is that it's a soft spot and optimal for smashing.

I graze Lu Bu's body with a flurry of thrusts and get him to back off.
He looks at his blood as if he never noticed he was bleeding to begin with and just grins.
"Is this my own personal heaven?"
He says something in Chinese,
I grew up in a military orphanage where the foster owner told us to educate ourselves and had all the essential books to home school us,
but fuck that,
I grew up with street smarts anyway.
Lu Bu raises his halberd,
and I noticed the aura giving off the illusion that the halberd was bigger than it actually was.

He swings,
and I created an ice wall to shield me only to leap away when I saw eight cracks forming.
Lu Bu effortlessly cleaves through my blue ice and leaves eight cuts in the ground.
What that technique was,
I better not let it hit me.
My black birth mark slightly over my eye spirals down over my cheek and down the side of my neck.

He horizontally swings,
I slide under and kick him away.
He gets up with a creepy but happier face than ever,
a look of a psycho enjoying himself,
I form an axe head on the cross guard of my spear with an ice rune and we enage in some actual close quarters combat,
I'll admit,
I'm not too big of weapon masters and even though this guy is using his halberd improperly,
he's a master in his own craft of halberd fighting and since his style is easily predictable,
it's easily copyable.

I jump in the air and throw multiple thrusts,
he blocks,
I slice his chest open,
exposing his ribcage,
he stops healing now,
and we engage in a halberd fight all over again.
Lu Bu hooks his halberd into my leg with a low sweep and spins, then launches me into a pillar,
I lose my spear but get up.

Lu Bu strikes,
I grab his halberd and break it with one hand and toss this body builder of a man effortlessly,
I speak in my demonic voice.
"Playtime is over."
I engage in a classical slug fest, dominating Lu Bu in my world of expertise,
obliterating his rib cage,
breaking his neck with a hook and taking some hits in return,
the fight ends,
and Lu Bu falls over,
his soul returning to whince it came, now than,
how do I reach my brothers and sister?

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