Chapter 22: His Territory

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As we ventured into the great unknown for what felt like hours,
I picked up on Brandon Yeets's scent, and I motioned for everyone to follow and drop down rocks below into a labyrinth looking cave,
the sky or realm,
I should say sort of had a night and day system if you call a giant ass portal above your head that reflects the night sky that.
Something told me to create guns for everyone, so I whistled,
then created military level assault rifels, I showed Frost, Reina,
and the twins,
Flecia and Crystal,
how to load, aim, and shoot.
I also taught them to just focus their aura into the guns,
and they'll have infinite ammo,
so to speak.

Reina didn't see the need to use it but strapped it to her shoulder anyway, Frost begrudgingly carried his,
his daughters happily strapped it, the Oni's were locked and loaded,
my siblings just didn't care,
and I unholster my Revolver.
I carefully checked around corners, Reina covered the edges of the rocks above us,
Frost watched our rear,
Chace in stance rady to stab anything in his way with a Split Staff,
Sora trotting behind us with her Spear gripped like a bow staff,
Terra with her Polearm/Naginata.

Niel covered from above,
jumping from one rock wall to another, watching for enemies,
I'm not even going to guess how many minutes to hours have passed but not a single trap or enemy,
this is too good to be true.
It has to be, if I were Brandon Yeets,
this would be the perfect opportunity to trap us.
The question is,
what kind of plan is he cooking?
the Temple Of Zeus as an example here, the new Brandon Yeets with Valla's power can summon a zombiefied army of Artificial Demons,
beings like Drawnco, etcetera.
Taking this into account,
how far back is his necromancy capable of?
Can he go back years?
Can he revive more powerful demons? All I can say is unless he does it,
I can assume he can only summon an army dating to half a year back,
but is that really the case?
One false move or thought can cost me and the team our lives.

"Enemy sighted!" Niel yells from the wall above,
I called it!
Moments after Niel yelled,
everyone was caught up in an explosion. Everyone was separated into three main groups,
and Niel by himself,
Reina was with the Onis,
Frost with his daughters,
and I'm with my siblings.
Zombiefied war cries could be heard, followed by explosions of flames and walls of sharp pointy ice spikes.
Zombie soldiers rear around the corner, clad in mideval armor,
knights, samurai, vikings,
romans, probably some gladiators mixed in,
I can definitely see some spartans and lastly mages and witches.

I create a P90 and AR15 with a drum magazine and fully unload my demonic energy in full auto,
perserving my physical energy as much as possible,
Sora jumps off my back like a springboard,
then stabs the ground freezing ice spikes into zombies,
Terra superhero lands and disperses her lightning into everything she perceives as an enemy,
and Chace burned what was left,
with flames being sprayed from his hands like a flamethrower.

(Oni POV)

Chief Reina runs off with her Tetsubo, which is a japanese club with spikes in it,
me and my brother provided her back up as the zombies we faced were military soldiers in army vests and camo we get blasted with Spirit Bullets or holy water dipped bullets blessed by a priest, flames burst from me,
my brother,
and Reina as our blood is fire itself. Reina uses her Tetsubo to block the bullet storm for us.
My brother Jita uses his Katanas to launch flame walls with his dual sword style,
and I cast illusion runes on my eyes to make the zombie hord turn on each other.
Reina starts bashing skulls in,
Jita runs around slicing,
and chopping heads off.
I punch in the skull of a nearby zombie and burn any surrounding ones into ash with a flurry of punches and kicks.

(Frost's POV)

Once the ambush happened,
I stomped and created a wall of ice spikes to scale the walls and shut off Dortabo assaults.
My daughters climbed the rocky trenches,
and I followed suit,
I take this moment to utilize my family's staff and the Legendary Weapon Tome: Brynhilde.
I read a simple incantation while using my mage staff as a catalyst,
the magic circle forms under the zombies,
and Dortabo and I cast my spell,
a giant frozen, thorny tree erupts, knocking over enemies off and into the trench.
My baby girls create ice weapons with their near cryokinesis power and cut away anything in their way.
That's my girls!

(Oni POV)

I brawl some more zombies,
getting a rush of adrenaline!
The sensation was the greatest high I could ever ask for!
Jita covers my back,
and Reina runs ahead.
After burning my prey to ash,
I chase after Chief Reina and turn the corner only to meet a dead end and a set of hands to pull me into the darkness of the trenches.
I wrestle with the shadowy figure and punch its face in,
then finish the job by stabbing my hand through its chest.
Getting up,
I emerge from the darkness victorious! Reina circles back to find me,
my brother right behind her.

We moved out and were the first to see an old Japanese style fortress,
I never got paid enough by Reina's military to use my head,
so I won't question it,
we enter the heart of the fortress and see just how run down it was.
"This place was once used as a hospital." Reina says with sympathy in her voice, me and my brother sit by a wall while Reina investigated further,
I could still hear the sound of gunfire and the sound of wind kicking up,
but we remain calm and choose not to think of it as our problem.
A rock hits my head, and I instinctively look up only to see the very shadowy arms that pulled me into the dead end of the trenches!

I scream as the shadowy figure blends into the darkness and jumps us, viscously punching us like a wild beast, no rythme to the blows,
before we knew what had happened,
it picks us both up by our necks,
our legs floating limp and kicking the air,
the shadowy fugure's eyes open and glow bright red...... those eyes,
they weren't even demonic.
It was like I was looking at a dragon in humanoid form!

(Seth's POV)

I mow down wave after wave of enemies with my two full auto AR15 and P90,
Chace has swapped from his Split Staff to his Raikiri Rajinto for lightning fast speed,
cutting down what I don't kill already and dodging in between my demonic energy bullets. Sora has been kicking heads off with her monstrous strength, and Terra has been using her electricity like electrokinesis
using the bodies of the zombie army as a shield against the horde.
Frost and his girls join back up with us and inform us we're almost out of this thing and advise us toget onto the rockwalls,
we demonic leap out of there to see Niel, needing much needed backup.
Chace and Terra move at lightning speed thanks to Terra being a lightning demon, Chace's Raikiri Rajinto giving him the perks of a lightning demon,
and then they sandwich the poor zombie,
Sora kills it with her ice barrage,
and for extra measure,
I shoot the head a binch of times when I demoni leap over its head in a stylish way.
Once Niel was good,
it was as if the zombie hord just stopped coming,
we took a short break on top of the labyrinth walls and relaxed for a bit, I gave everyone a much needed water break and shower us with a water rune, after that Flecia points us to a Japanese style fortress so we head over there once we had the energy.
Apon getting there,
we saw the Onis,
fucked up bad and Reina taking care of them.
"What the hell happened here?"
I asked Reina,
somewhat concerned,
from the looks of the situation,
I'd say they were split up for a short time and the zombie hords got to them and over runned them.
"Honestly, I wish I knew."

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