Chapter 31: In The Mind Of Madness

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(Artwork is done by AI. It's Brandon Yeets with Valla's dragon scales, wings, and tail.)
(Seth's POV)

Five to seven hours after recovering,
my sisters and brother provide me with a spare set of clothes,
dawning on a replica set of a purple trench coat and a black T shirt. Not going to lie,
I look weird with the ripped pants,
but that's fine,
I'm not too concerned with appearances anyway.
So the next several floors were litteral, nothing,
I kid you not,
not a single solitary fucking damn zombie or a single trap in sight.

Upon making it to the final floor,
we meet up with litterally everyone, Flecia and Crystal,
running towards me,
and both give me a hug,
Niel and Frost give me a nod in acknowledgment,
Reina scolds the twin Oni's and then Flecia praddled on about how her and her sister disarmed every trap for us to get to them.
I thanked them and then turned my attention towards the Onis.
They looked smuger than usual and even talked some smack towards me like they were teasing,
but afyer stairing amd concentration on seeing their soul,
it was as black as Brandon's,
maybe even darker.

My own soul or aura,
I should say,
turns from silver to a very dark shade of grey.
My siblings noticed and looked at them as well,
Flecia and her sister looked at us confused,
Frost narrows his eyes at us as if asking what we were planning.
After several seconds of silence,
we all look at the massive door.
It looks just as bad as Demon King Metatron's throne room door.

"Everyone, this is it. We've been on one hell of a wild goose chace, I've led you all blind with no real sense on where we're going, but one undeniable truth is that the root of all our problems comes from here. We've been separated more times than I care to count, we've fought tooth and nail, we've doubted our partnership every step of the way, but we all made it here as a team! As a unit! Now, Brandon Yeets falls! The end is at hand! Now, let's finish off the enemy of our race!"
I kick open the 15 ft door open and just like every single fucking room in this fucking pyramid,
it's a poorly lit room with torches as it's only light source.

I walk in first,
my siblings behind me,
Keiko behind them,
Frost and Reina behind her,
Niel Flecia and Crystal behind them,
and finally,
the Onis last.
We made it into a quarter of the room before a bright light flashed,
causing me to shield my face,
followed by a deafening boom.
I turned around to see if anyone was alive,
and only my siblings were left standing. Everyone else on their back or stomachs, the Onis get up first and immediately throw the accusation of me being Brandon Yeets,
and before I knew it,
Frost joins in but makes a proper argument,
and if ot doesn't get defused fast, everyone will turn against me!

Damn you,
Brandon! Once again,
I've played right into your hands!
"The Onis could be right, leading us on a wild goose chace, sepearting us frequently, the Onis being the first ones to be truely harmed, last one to catch up, and out of everyone here, you're the only one unscathed. Do you have a counter rebuttal to prove your innocence, sir Seth Thompsan?"

My siblings naturally defend me,
but Niel also joins the debate and argues against my siblings,
Keiko argues back that she knows me about as well as Niel does and that she's talked with me as a person on more than one occasion and that unless I'm possessed by Brandon himself,
she highly doubts that I'm him.

Flecia and Crystal take my side bickering against their father,
to which his fatherly instincts kick into turbo drive and tells them that he is their father and to listen to reason and logic over their emotions and that from the bottom of his heart he doesn't want to suspect me and he genuinely wants to keep his two daughters safe from harm. Reina rebuttals Frost by telling him about the Artificial Demon,
Exorcist war with Flecia and Crystal backing her up.

Then my my siblings tell them about how I convinced Elain and Kenneth to turn on the Exorcist along with their squad and eliminate the Exorcist that Brandon were manipulating.
The argument or debate continues to get more intense from both sides,
vieing over wether or not I am innocent or Brandon and then in the mist of the chaos,
laughter was heard from two people. The Onis.
They both break out in historical laughter as they make their way towards me and then they both spilt to go around me.

Everyone looks at them confused and yet it just clicked with everyone that they were Brandon.
Before they arrive at the stone throne with engravings,
Brandon himself makes a tiny rip with his 10 finger and rips open both the Onis bodies as if he was wearing a skin suit. Brandon's familiar does the same thing with the other body and the familiar merges into the real one as he sits on the throne arrogantly and with a smile that would give Light Yagami a run for his money.

"That was too perfect, I couldn't contain my laughter, a major error on my part but oh well, you'll all die anyway." Brandon's silver scales become visible and form a cloak like shape,
his dragon like tail sprouts and his wings shooting out of his back.
My siblings immediately zone in on him only for something transparent to happen like something splashed reality, and a wave happened in thin air like reality itself is the ocean.
Chase, Sora,
and Terra disappear,
leaving me with everyone else!
Panic takes over for a second,
even fear. "Oh yes, please do release fear Sethy my boy! It will only make me stronger hehehe."

He snaps and before I knew it zombies started spawning in from the runes but they didn't look anything like the ones we fought.
Their were ones that looked more life like,
like a human with green makeup or paint on,
though despite the life likeness,
they had bones and ribs showing through their wears,
I don't recognize most but the few I do are Miyomoto Musashi,
King Leonidas of the 300 Spartans,
A man with a green cloak and hood up, likely Robin Hood,
a man with half his jaw missing and a single eyeball,
wearing a white camo suit with a sniper rifel without the scope,
AKA Simo Hayha,
a black knight with a purple tented helmet,
a massive black two handed crusader sword with a chain wrapped around it and yet this demonic looking knight was wielding a Holy Sword,
matter of fact,
the Holy Sword: Arondight.
In legend,
that holy blade was a gift by his tsudo mother figure Lady Of The Lake or in some legnds,
his lover Guinevere.

Lancelot roars at us like a madman and gets low to the ground like a feral animal,
his visor in the helmet glowing bright purple.
The final life like zombies were Penny and Leon just for the sake of fucking with my mind.
"Is there no low you won't stoop to Brandon?"
Brandon props his face on his fist and crosses his leg smugly.
"Fighting fair means you'll lose to the first person who doesn't care.
Now then let the games begin. Kill them!"

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