Chapter 12: Light Tribe

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Time skip: Afternoon, it was dark, cloudy, and raining like crazy.
I was floating in the epicenter of the rainstorm,
my green lightning popping around me and anything within a 5 mile radius.
I charge up a massive rune that can be seen across the whole Tribe,
I close my eyes as I recall asking Imani to evacuate all the good folks of the Water Tribe,
the rune was near completion,
and in my best anime like voice I could muster, I changed my pitch to a deep base.

"Now this Tribe shall know the judgment of the Demon Lord."
I summon the Shujinko No Yumi and draw back the string that becomes visible in a green aura thanks to the wind.
I fired a arrow of highly concentrated wind energy that once hit the ground took the form of a tornado followed by the lightning striking any houses of my enemies and burning down Don King's castle of debt he had built.
"Memento Mori."
The rune disappears,
and the weather settles down into light rain,
I descend from the sky and meet up with my siblings who held onto the Legendary Weapon for me.

Legendary Weapon: Fissure Mace,
I picked it up and obliterated a nearby tree away from them. When I channeled aura into it,
it became a flail,
and I could enlarge the ball and chain.
I swing it around a few times and flung it into a tree,
setting it ablaze with Shadow Flames and burning another with a lightning strike fling.
The Mace returns to normal and I stuff my weapons back into my pocket dimension,
me and my siblings share a abandoned home for the night and I tell them I'm heading towards the Light Tribe to locate the next Legendary Weapon and for the remainder of the day they told me about the mysterious two people they met and that Chace now has a personal reason to seek out the Legendary Weapons and stop the Silent Dragon of Akonos.
I just listen as my day comes to an end, one short time skip later and my time clock all fucked up,
I find myself in Egypt of all places walking through a sandstorm trying to find one damn Tribe,
it also doesn't help that I'm wearing my dark purple trench coat and it's scortching hot!
Gee Seth 200 IQ moment right there,
I cast a shadow rune to make my shadow merge from the sands and slap me on the back of the head,
thanks my shadow I needed that for my dumbass big brain idea to wear my fucking trench coat.

After five hours of following Chief Kogo and Sillva's scent, I find myself in a Japanese style village even though it's a Tribe and the town folks look at me like I'm a foreigner but unlike the Water Tribe,
Kogo was a hells lot more open with me. The old man was nice enough to provide me samurai like attire that cooled down my body despite the intense heat.
I put on the new clothes,
dawning on a bright neon green samurai suit with blue lightning symbols on the sleeves,
I ask Kogo where the Legendary Weapon is and he informs me that his messenger was sent to the Wind Tribe because word reached him that it was attacked,
I nearly gave the old man a heart attack when I told him I purged all the unfit Artificial Demons that wanted to devor the humans sense the Demon Council wasn't in charge anymore.

Kogo sweats buckets as I reval my aura, my aura alone is enough to give a human a heart attack just by powering up 1%, it was at this moment Kogo perceived me as a threat but rather than treat me like one he bows to me like a god.
"Lord Seth, I shall pay my debt to you by giving thee the Rajinto Raikiri. I'll send word to my messenger."
I bow back out of respect for his Japanese culture,
after that,
we have a meal where he exchanges cups of loyalty with me,
and I mark him as my servant,
leaving behind a shadow rune on his lower back as proof of his servitude.
My right arm burns as a master seal forms on my arm like Fate's Command Seals.
Now that the main stuff is done he holds a banquet in my honor where I eat my fill of sushi! I love sushi!

I ate all kinds of them until I was full, and after a good nap I toured the city, I took several pictures on my phone and visited all the shops just to see what was in stock,
the clothing store didn't interest me,
but I did buy a real shinobi suit,
and I was definitely attending next year's SC comicon as a ninja.
My next destination was a katana shop where they frowned at me for improperly handling the katanas they gave me to look at,
I shot them a dirty look back and showed them the full power of my aura, violently shaking the Tribe before they stopped making faces as they quickly comprehended the power scaling difference.

In the end,
I didn't buy anything and left,
my next big stop was the giant pool near the outskirts of the city,
the weather was nice so I took a dip in a swimsuit I packed,
some ladies checked me out,
others looked at me weird like why is a wight guy in an all Asian pool,
not to sound racist,
I love Asians but I get the feeling they didn't like a wight guy swimming in a pool the size of three football fields.
The afternoon goes by quickly but not quite evening yet,
a lone Artificial Demon approaches me wearing red shogun armor that reminded me of Ryouma from Fire Emblem Fates.

He had the Legendary Weapon: Rajinto Raikiri on his left hip and a Wakizashi under it.
Rajinto Raikiri was a white katana with a bright gold tsuba that looked like a halo ring and some gold-painted leather right under the tsuba. The rest of the leather wrapping was pure white. "Chief Kogo has sent me to find you. He says he owes you a debt, and that debt is paid with my katana."
I levitate above the water and then walk on water with my aura.
"Yeah, I'm looking for your Legendary Weapon, so I asked Kogo, now we gonna do this the easy way, or am I setting an example of you to your Tribe? Either way, it doesn't matter. Both outcomes come to the same conclusion."
I summon Yagato as we both keep our left thumb over the tsuba.
"I've had this weapon in my family for generations passed down from the head of the household to next. You want it you'll have to pry it from my-."

I quickly draw Yagato,
and a transparent line spreads out and cuts a building to the side of him into strips,
unclean cuts of strips,
he looks over his shoulder and then back at me,
we have a katana fight where he uses the Raikiri to call upon lightning runes to zap me,
since I was still wet,
it hurt like hell,
but I have an amazingly high pain tolerance,
so it was no biggy.
He thrust,
I dodge, and lightning blasts toward me, I not only see the lightning but dodge it before the return stroke,
everything this guy does is just too slow, or maybe I'm perceiving time slowly.

He rams Raikiri through my stomach and yells very loudly.
"THE LEGENDARY SWORD THAT PIERCES THE HEAVENS: EXCALIBUR!" The Raikiri flashes a gold holy energy that blinds me then morphs into a rapier and blasts a holy beam not just through my body but coating my whole body in it.
He yanks his rapier out as it morphs back into a katana.
"That stung you, bastard!"
I laugh off the pain as I grin like a lunatic,
I enter my Demon Lord form and blitz him with a single slash of my Yagato.
I slowly sheath my Yagato the way samurai do,
and the man falls into too many pieces to count,
I take his weapon and inform Kogo of his dead messenger,
Kogo is a demon of honor.
He wouldn't break his vow,
not intentionally anyway,
so I bid the old man and the Tribe goodbye.
Just two more to go,
then my personal journey will be over,
as I walk through the desert again, I wonder what the future looks like, I've rooted out all the corruption I can see and when I'm done I will hand select candidates best suited to form MY new Demon Council.

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