Chapter 6: Round Two

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"Nice to see that you found me, and as much as I'd like to stay and chat, Legendary Weapons won't find themselves, and a broken system won't fix itself."
I wasn't about to let him escape,
so I cast a shadow rune on the throne room door and hardened the shadows, barricading us in.
"I don't think so. Where's my squad?" As I said that,
not once did I run into them as I ascend this place,
and I have a sneaking suspicion.
I know why.
The Demon Lord raises his hand,
and my squad spawned out of thin air like a video game,
their bodies devoid of a soul.
"They came at me, so I absorbed their souls to gain their element and memories." Bastard.

"Now that I've answered your question............ come at me." I begin the charge,
the Demon Lord turns his Legendary Weapon to the blunt end,
and the crystallized eyeball fires a black lazer beam in my direction,
I dodged,
and he fores another.
As I got closer,
I slid under the beam and continued my mad dash,
I was now four feet away.

Demon Lord fires one last beam,
and instinctively,
I used my Chokuto to guard my face,
the lazer beam reflects upward and a bit of the cieling falls on the Demon Lord, yeah no that ain't gonna be nearly enough to bring him down.
I see a shadow go running across the floor,
and I give chace only for him to reamerge,
turn around, and knee me away.
"Your reaction skills are better than before, alright try this!"

He points the Legendary Weapon at me, and a purple aura flows up the hilt and into the blade,
a shadow rune is cast on the tip of the blade,
and this large purple energy takes form firing black lazer beams in all directions in a full 360-degree radius.
I dodged for my life with constant side stepping that I left behind ten after images before the volley of lazers stopped.
"Hmmm, not a bad weapon but not my cup of tea, alright test run over. Round two. FIGHT!"
He puts the weapon away in a pocket dimension and pulls out a Katana with a diamond shape tsuba,
we engage in a sword fight as he takes me slightly more seriously,
I draw blood from his cheek,
arms and legs with my lightning fast sword play,
but he just chuckles as a large shadow hand emerges from his his shadow, grabs me,
and throws me into a pillar.

I try to get up,
and when I did,
horror awaited as a familiar hand covered up my eyes,
a blade pressed to my throat and a fast cut, as if nothing just happened.
I hit the floor and realized I hadn't moved an inch.
It was all an illusion, a very real illusion. "Impressive as usual, you continue to exceed my expectations, alright, no more illusions, a real fight fair and square."

After hearing that,
I don't think I want to fight this guy, I'm outclassed in strength,
speed, durability,
reaction time,
and yet this guy insists on sparing my life and from what I can tell, training, or grooming me to be the next him.
"After that illusion, I'd rather not, but on behalf of my squad and Tribe, I have to stop you, dead or alive."
He just grins.

"Just what I want to hear, now let's throw these hands!"
He gets into a runner's stance and croutches low to the ground,
green lightning popping off him as an Eroupean style sword appears on his back.
The Demon Lord takes off in my direction,
and I dodge.
The Demon Lord shatters a pillar in the room with his fist,
his hand smoking,
and he turns around to face me and pops his knuckles.

"Pretty good reaction there. If you hadn't dodged, I would have taken your head." He says confidently,
I charge up my aura Dragon Ball Z style, and we start throwing punches and kicks,
his Taekwondo vs.
my Kungfu,
we were even for the most part until I fuck up and he round house kicks me in the head away from him.
I stumble back and start using Shadow Lightning for a speed increase,
and he starts fighting more defensively, blocking with arms and legs,
in his response to my speed,
he pushed kicks me away,
but I threw up a guard,
nullifying most of the damage.

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