Chapter 32: 1v1 Chase versus Queen Arthur

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(Chase's POV)

Sora and Terra leap for Brandon only for sense to be dulled for a second. Shortly afterwards,
I was in a giant squared room that looked identical to the throne room,
and I was alone for moment,
I could feel my sister's aura,
but from where?
It was as if we were separated by space. "Now then, we can finish what I started. En garde!"
She draws her legendary Holy Sword: Excalibur.
"Uh, about that. I kinda dropped my katana during the whole cave fiasco and lost it. I got this, but it's no sword."
I pull out my split staff,
Queen Arthur face palms and sighs in annoyance.
"Fine. I may be undead, but I still have my chivalry."
She uses her free hand to summon an exact replica of her Excalibur,
minus the whole holy energy bit,
then tosses it into the air as it flips and lands blade first into the ground.
"Now then, have at you!"
I pick it up and take a stance similar to that of a certain jedi that is known for his iconic line.
"Hello there."
Queen Arthur wasted no time zoning in on me with a helm splitting strike, followed by a blast of holy energy, radiating off the blade in a fierce golden light.
I teleport behind her and swing my aura off my blade,
somewhat mimicking the attack and blasting her with my pure,
raw, concentrated energy.
Queen Arthur leaps into the air last second and lands on the air.
She then proceeded to run towards me in a spiral and then swung for my neck, I reacted in time to backflip over the swing and barely avoid a decapitation. Queen Arthur spins really fast and concentrates her aura into a dense beam,
and Excalibur's holy energy amplifies the energy to absurd degrees,
shining brightly as she vertically slams Excalibur into the ground.
I leap away to the left and right to avoid the energy wave following me and accurately hitting me.
Queen Arthur starts sword fighting without all the flashy light show,
and I immediately start walking backward and defending myself.
Queen Arthur parries then charges into me,
slamming her own body weight against me,
then she stomps on my foot with her metal knight boots and head butts me in the nose!

My body kicks into turbo drive and begins to heal at a rapid pace despite the holy sword faintly injuring wounds heal as fast as she makes them amd after so many cuts,
I finally figured out how parrying works and parried her only for Queen Arthur to be surpised when a mere shockwave manages to scrape her cheek.
I capitalize on her second of shock and uppercut her hard onto her back.
She got up in no time at all and strikes,
I blocked and punched a shockwave at her,
knocking her away.
My black energy is normally a dot the size of a mole on my forehead comes down the side of my face,
and we begin sword fighting once more. She dominates me mainly because I'm not a swordsman,
and I'm still getting used to the fighting style,
but I can clearly see it's a anything goes type of swordplay,
pluse punches and kicks thrown into the mix.
Probably not very knight like,
but that's the impression I'm getting.
I grab Queen Arthur's Excalibur between my index,
middle and thumb,
pinching and holding the blade in place, the holy energy burns like crazy but after properly feeling of this blade,
it's not even a sword at all,
it's just magical energy just like my demonic energy.
I throw the blade back,
and we begin running at fast speeds,
we might as well be teleporting all over the room,
clashing as we went along.
Queen Arthur becomes visible in my line of sight again,
and I start blocking and pushing her back with each strike.
A contest of speed still insues as we vanish and reappear in mutltiple directions per second,
our sword speeds striking faster and faster until their was a delay in the sound until what felt like 2 seconds had passed then the sounds of swords clashing off swords were heard.
I go back on the defensive as Queen Arthur syarts mixing in punches,
kicks, stomps,
body slamming,
and taking a counter offensive.
We whip up a dust cloud from out intense speed and fight circles around each other other,
as I parry her only for her to circle around me and slash my back.
She keeps the pressure going as I keep playing defensive,
I move around slightly faster,
causing Queen Arthur to look for me then before she could decapitate me,
I ducked and slid under her Excalibur while on my knees.
I turn around and slam my Excalibur replica against the ground,
causing a massive dust cloud as my smoke screen.
Queen Arthur somehow finds me amongst the dust,
and we clash swords so hard that the dust cloud disperses.
We bind blades,
no words,
sparks flying from the sheer pressure of the blades grinding against one another. I break the sword lock and use a sword technique I saw on YouTube where you step forward and horizontally slash, then you step forward and slash horizontal again with the back of the blade.
A knight technique if I remember correctly,
if not it was German technique.
Queen Arthur uses her guantlets to block the bulk of the damage,
but she comes at me in a rush,
making me run backward and ignite holy energy from Excalibur again,
I diagonally block the horizontal slash but I went flying as the force kept on going,
I land on my feet as I come skidding cross the ground,
I keep my guard and mimic her sword stance now,
I think I get the gist of fighting like a knight.
We stood there in silence for what felt like several seconds,
but in reality,
it was merely a few seconds.

We slowly walk towards each other and then run.
We both yelled.
It was the beginning of the end to our honorable battle,
Queen Arthur was the first to swing,
and I quickly followed,
we becamed dead locked in a contast of swords,
achieving an equilibrium that only we could achieve and yet the end ticked ever so closer with each passing second. We began to non-stop,
counter each other and take the counter offensive,
dancing, and jumping in circles around each other.
"The legendary sword that pierces the heavens: EXCALIBUR!"
She slashes twice diagonally,
and once vertically,
I leap away from the energy wave fired at me in the form of a cresent moon only to be nicked on the side of my chest, blood comes out and smoke comes from my wound only to be heald shut.
Queen Arthur reappears in front of me, and in less than a fraction of a second,
I fire a massive fireball at the ground for a massive AOE attack,
and she gets blasted away.
I mimic the attack in my own away but I shoot out a wave of aura like her and knock her into the wall,
she points Excalibur at me and fires multiple holy beams at me,
I deflect each shot with the blunt side of my sword,
zeroing in on her real fast and she dodge rolls out of harms way as I make a unclean cut that levels a pillar in the room and falls into so many tiny chuncks of rock.
Queen Arthur returns the counter offensive by knocking us into the air as she runs across the air,
and I teleport to her at every turn.
I leap off the wall barrel rolling,
and as she leaps after me spinning vertically,
our blades clash several times like this before we land,
and I block a swing meant to split my skull in half.
I get away and she fires off more holy beams,
I deflect,
jump off a pillar land on the ground hard enough for a stone cube to bounce out of it's hole and I kick it into Queen Arthur only for her to split it in half!
We rush into the center of the room and our strikes get heavier,
more ferocious,
almost like I was trying to break her blade where as she swung for vitals such as all my major arteries,
lungs shoulders and wrist.
We sword bind for a second but I parry then slice her across the face,
I strike,
she parries,
hits with the back end of the blade in the liver,
and then follows up with a slash across my left eye.
Blood was gushing,
and the pain was tolerable,
but she took it out for the remainder of this bloody fight.
We back off from each other,
and she looks at her body,
it was shaking,
but she wasn't releasing fear,
I looked at her body,
and I saw that her body wasn't able to withstand any more beatings,
and I knew right then that this would be the end of our battle.
She takes a low stance,
obviously going for a fast thrust,
I took a high stance and firmly planted my feet as I readied my sword by my head like a bat.
"Let's........ end this."
She says with her eyes full of resolve to see this through to the end.
"Bring it, King Arthuer!" She gets lower to the ground,
I brace myself,
she lungs,
I swing,
she stabs.
Her body falls over into halves,
a horizontal cut across the stomach and a horizontal cut across the blade, the Holy Sword: Excalibur, breaking in two. "Impressive............ victory.......... is yours................. swordsman."
Her body decays immediately and turns into dust,
leaving only a skeleton.
"Now then, how the hell am I going to get back?"

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