Chapter 15: Twin Onis Vs Sora And Chace

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(Chace's POV)

I superhero land in the epicenter of the explosion and inhale all the smoke and flames,
adding all that power and converting it into my own demonic energy,
two African American Onis guys walk out,
one with two katanas drawn and the other with T.J. combo hair.
Terra lands by me,
and so does Sora, Seth lands moments later,
and I tell him we will handle this and that I smelled someone else heading toward the mountains,
he nods and fires two shadows from his arms, and shadow swings out of here.

"You want to go?" The one holding the katanas says to Sora.
"Bring it, loser!"
She says as she pulls out her spear. "We're not here for you three. We want the other guy."
The man with the T.J. combo hair says. "You want our brother you'll have to get by us, not that, that is happening."
I pop my knuckles,
and he pops his neck.
"Let's get the show on the road."
We slowly walk toward each other, then begin to speed walk, then jog,
and finally run,
we head butt each other as we catch the other's fist and attempt to push one another back at full force,
we didn't stay that way for long as I push kick him a long enough distance he flies by using his aura,
he makes some sort of martial arts, hand signs and breaths a small fireball and fires it from his mouth,
I run and dodge,
bouncing between the small to mid-size fireballs,
and on the fifth one,
he deeply inhales to make a massive fireball the size of a small building, then breath attacks.

I smack it into the air high above the Tribe as it explodes,
I teleport to him and punch the Oni in the gut,
then kick the back of his head as I can fly with aura as well.
The African American Oni with T.J combo hair crashes outside the Tribe into a small mountain,
reducing it to a sandy hill full of tiny rocks,
I teleport to him again,
kick him full force in the back,
punch him in the spine,
then ignite my fist on fire and punch him with explosive flames.
I charge up flames into both of my hands and aim them.
"Ya know, causing a big explosion in your Tribe isn't making you look good." I fire a massive flamethrower at him as he tanks it head-on,
but far from my level,
I'm having to dial back 99% of my power just to keep the fight entertaining and fun. Yeah, I'm that arrogant.
I fly after my prey,
and before I could hit him, he right hooks,
left hooks, footsweeps me, uppercuts the back of my head, kicks my spine as I fly high into the air then tornado kicks me into a boulder in the middle of the fucking desert.

He descends from the sky,
and two runes become visible in his eyes,
I felt my senses dull,
but my sense of pain increases,
it was different,
to say the least.
He punches me across the desert twice, then puts his hands together and slams me with them into a large hill of the desert's sand,
I got a mouth full,
and when I got out,
I spat it all out.
"Just give it up. My illusion runes are unstoppable!"
I look at him bored.
"Booooooooring, that's way too cliche man, the least you could do is come up with something original."
He grits his teeth and powers up his aura and uses a Limit Overdrive at me so I power up as well and flex my might over him.
"Come on cannon fodder, let's dance until you're ashes!"
I vanish before his eyes and then reappear,
kicking his stomach and making him fly back,
he flies at me, and I blitz him. He punches me back,
and I clothesline him,
he kicks my head,
and we continue trading blows across the skies.

(Sora's POV)

I get pushed on the defensive to analyze my opponent's fighting style,
he used two katanas and kept me at a distance while using his speed to compensate for that distance and get in close so I can't hit him with my spear. I fight like it's more of a bo staff, this African American Oni with dreads clearly hasn't mastered a single martial art,
he probably just picked up two katanas one day and went to a dojo and started beating up the other students.
His ego probably went up the more victories he got.
I rush him back and dominate him in speed and strength,
now that I have a good understanding of his style,
I play with him like a cat does a mouse, he just kept running and jumping, dodging and ducking.

I block his dual slashes and hit him with the hilt of my spear in the jaw,
then slit his throat,
we dance around for a few minutes, clashing sword against spear,
his katana blades glow green from his aura as he leaps into the air and diagnally slashes a shockwave attack at me that kicks up sand,
I stomp my foot and create a giant block of ice to intercept then I fire ice spikes from the block of ice.
"Tornado Dragon Swallowing Blades!" A dragon devours my ice and throws it back,
thankfully missing someone's house, I leap from house roof to house roof as the tornado dragon follows me,
I blast with pure aura to prevent it from devouring houses much to the annoyance of my enemy.
I land back on the ground with my spear casually resting on my shoulders.
"Tsk, tsk, tsk, ya just don't learn do ya?"

He goes to strike again but I blitz him so fast his blades shatter like glass from a single thrust of my spear and he goes flying into some random stone wall in the city.
"I bet you think your hot shit just because you've never lost a battle before? Here, let me teach you a lesson." The African American Oni with dreads pulls off a giant crusader-looking sword with a curved katana-like blade.
It glows black as his aura incases it.
"You talk too much. The fact you think you know me irritates me. Let's end this in one shot!"

I get low to the ground and add an extra layer of ice around my spearhead, making it extra lethal,
I coat my spear in my ice blue aura and once again I take the offensive,
he blocks and throws off my aim but I end up taking his free arm in the process.
I draw my spear back,
ready to end him,
that was until my brother Chace decides to interfere by throwing his enemy into mine,
he walks over to me,
dusting his hands off,
then his enemy gets up,
throwing his own brother over his shoulder and hitting me some sort of rune that was in his eyes,
then they vanished.
Oh well,
all's well that ends well, right? Now then, where did Seth scurry off to?

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