The Morning

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"Strange, I thought, how you can be living your dreams and your nightmares at the very same time."

Ransom Riggs

Saturday morning. 07.00 AM. Incheon International Airport.

"Hyosangie!" Seokjin's mother waved her hand and greeted the man.

"Aunt Jiae." Hyosang came to approached and hugged the lady. "Thank you so much for coming to fetch me here in the airport."

"Yeah, your parents are both in the States for business trip so I feel the need to welcome you with so much love."

Hyosang warmly smiled. "Thanks again, aunt Jiae. Really, you are so kind."

Hyosang and Seokjin's mother went into the coffee shop in the city for a breakfast together. They ordered pancakes, croissant sandwiches, black tea and caramel latte.

"Where is Seokjin? I thought he would come as well."

"Ohh. I told Seokjin that you will come back to Korea, but I didn't tell him that you will come back today. He was really busy with work and now he got day off, he went staycation with Yoongi. You know Yoongi, you guys were in the same music community."

Hyosang nodded as he enjoyed his caramel latte. "I remember him."

"So, let Seokjin rest and enjoy his weekend." Seokjin's mother added. "You are fine with it right?"

"Sure. It's totally fine. Seokjin deserves rest and vacation."

"And Hyosang, there is big news and a happy one for you."

Hyosang held his breath, it said happy but made him nervous.

"Seokjin agreed to marry you."

"Seokjin..." Hyosang felt so relieved. "Agreed to marry me?"

Seokjin's mother nodded and smiled. "I will prepare special dinner for you two, next Friday. So, I think you must prepare the engagement ring very soon."

"No prob. I will definitely choose the most beautiful ring for Seokjin." Hyosang bowed with so much respect. "I sincerely thank you."



NamJin – White Love

The birds outside the window were chirping cheerfully. They were happy and free, singing and dancing while sunbathing over the wooden fence, and those scenery were so contrary with the condition happened inside the cabin house.

Seokjin slowly opened his eyes as the sunlight warmly beamed into his face through the window in front of him. Ohh finally he gained consciousness after he fainted last night. He wasn't sure what time it was but if he had to tell by the calm and warmth sunshine, it could be around 07.00 AM.

Seokjin blinked to adjust his sights. He himself was still wearing a broken white lace night-gown, his wedding dress, but his hands were no longer tied. Namjoon wasn't around but he won't care. He tried to sit. Ugh. He couldn't move. His body felt so stiff and his lower back teribbly in pain. He felt so weak and miserable. And hungry. The only thing he could do was blankly staring into the wooden ceiling, bewailed on his misfortune.

To speak of why this why that about the abduction, Seokjin fond to watch Criminal Minds as one of his favorite TV show, he adored Spencer Reid. He should knew better or be more paranoid when a stranger asked for a help and lured him into this certain car.

Maybe sometimes it wasn't always good for being kind, even though your intention was for trying to be helpful. At least make sure you were not alone, check the surrounding, and run the moment you saw the suspicious Van.

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