The Jellycat Bunny

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"It's okay to cry when there's too much on your mind. The clouds rain when things get too heavy."

Amina Mehmood


Short update.

heM. I'm too lazy to write side story about Jungkook-Jimin and Hoseok-Yoongi. Also I've been so busy with work – I don't really have spare time nowadays. So I will only focus to write NamJin as the main pairing. I hope you enjoy it.

Anyway, How's Life?

I'm listening to Naniwa Danshi a lot lately. My most fave and recommendation are: LAI-LA-LA, Soda Pop Love, and Special Kiss.



NamJin – White Love

It was in the middle of April.

The night was calm. The weather was actually okay though. It was kinda rainy but it wasn't a pouring rain – the soft drizzle of rain made it felt so much comfort for a peacefull sleep. Well, the spring was coming.

It was around 02.10 AM when Namjoon stirred and woke up because his throat felt so dry and his nose was a bit stuffy. He was feeling unwell since the day before. So, Namjoon shifted from his position to sit and took a glass of water on the bedside table. He gulped it down to make his throat better – not so much but at least better. And then he went back to lay on the mattress where Seokjin slept like a log, but totally pretty of course.

Namjoon made himself comfortable as he laid beside Seokjin. He tidied up the flowery patchwork blanket they were wearing together and for a moment he took notice on the pink cardigan Seokjin was wearing over the white night-gown.

Namjoon. Colour has no gender.

Whether it's for girls or boys – Pink looks so sweet.

Namjoon shifted closer to enjot the warmth from Seokjin's body. He starred into the pretty one's face. Seokjin loves pink so much and he looked so endearing in pink and he isn't even a girl. Namjoon smiled. And... Yeah, right. Seokjin was right. Pink looks so sweet more over when Seokjin was the one wearing it. Pink cardigan. And Seokjin was totally beautiful.

And, then he remembered Seokjin saying...

Namjoon, I understand that you love your mother, but can you for once listen to my words?

Not only the talk about the mother who prefered blue for boys. Well... the talk were also mentioned the father. Ohh Namjoon remembered all those lessons about the difference between abuse and affection. Then... He raised up his left hand and studied the red braided bracelet on his wrist. The special handmade-handcrafted bracelet from Seokjin.

Made with effort. So please treasure it.

It was in the middle of April. And Seokjin was already seven months pregnant.

Namjoon quietly kept on staring into Seokjin's peaceful sleeping face. And his heart felt so warm. Because Seokjin made him such at ease like the way his -old and already lost- Jellycat Bunny always made him feeling calm in the old days. Since he was young, he only had his parents and the Jellycat Bunny accompanied him. But then, someday his father told him that he already way too old for having such stuffed and cuddly toy, so that the father took it from him.

The only thing Namjoon remember about his lovely stuffed and cuddly Jellycat Bunny was it's colour – beige and for sure he loved it so much. The father told him "If your mother asked you to where the Jellycat Bunny has gone – just say that you lost it" uhm Namjoon was 5 years old and he couldn't do anything because if he refused to follow the instruction his father would beat him and when the mother questioning of why Namjoon got bruises, the old man had always saying Namjoon fell down while helping in the farm field. Though somewhat questionable if the mother as a nurse couln't differentiate bruises from beating ang falling.

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