The Tale

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"Even though the world is rotting and destroyed right now, there is only one thing I need to believe in, namely the story I drew with you that I promised in my heart."

Itoshi Ikiru Koto (To Love and Live) – King & Prince

A/N: Hi guys, howdy? I hope you all doing fine.

I'm writing this chapter in a rush while listening to "Itoshi Ikiru Koto" by King & Prince. My writing could be in so much mess, but hopefully still enjoyable to read. ^^

Feedback are appreciated, it's a support to keep me going.



Sunday afternoon, around 03.30 PM.

It was in the middle of April. And Seokjin was already seven months pregnant.

Seokjin went into the right side of the house where he left the clean laundry to be hanging dry under the sun. He checked, and then he took the dry clothes into the basket. There, he spaced out, he let his mind wandering away, to think about this and about that. About things that made him so conflicted.

About Namjoon.

Namjoon fell sick, the man got cold and flu with fever. But that's not the problem. Not really a problem because at the same time, it was Sunday and also the day where the parents came over for a regular visit. Really, it wasn't about the flu because Namjoon's mother took care of her son – she went back to the main house earlier to take some medicine and vitamin into the cabin house.

Ohh. It wasn't about Namjoon got sick nor why Seokjin himself stayed fit and healthy.


It was about this certain sentence of conversation between him and Yoongi. The words which came from Yoongi's sharp tongue:

"As much as I am so sorry for what happened to you, just please – can you please open your eyes that Taehyung doesn't deserve your tears? He cheated on you. And he chose that girl because they are having a baby."

And yes,

Lately, Seokjin had a lot thoughts about his "marriage" with Namjoon, as he already spent seven months in the middle of nowhere with Namjoon and they were expecting a baby.

For some reason Seokjin couldn't quite understand, Seokjin didn't know why, like, why after seven months of being forced to be Namjoon's wife he was somehow adjusted with the role and ended into thinking that the marriage with Namjoon and 'to live' with Namjoon was actually not bad – compared to Taehyung and those men who broke Seokjin's heart by 'ghosting' him.

Lately, Seokjin even convinced himself that the problem about 'the marriage' were only the parents. Like really, if the parents were both 'normal' he might be living a happy marriage with Namjoon. Because at some certain point, Seokjin actually got what he wanted: a marriage, a man who loves him, and a baby coming to complete the family.


Namjoon's Love.

And a baby.

Namjoon might chose Seokjin because he has the most pretty face -Remember that the man chose Seokjin over Rose, Jennie, Joy, Wendy- that's so physical, but Namjoon indeed had so much love for Seokjin.

For some certain reason, Namjoon was like falling in love at the very first sight with Seokjin and then the man grew feelings more and more as the time passed by.

There, somehow Seokjin scared that he might be feeling the same way...

And, despite in the begining the man was creepy like a beast but little by little Seokjin succeed to make Namjoon became much more gentle and the man even understood the word affection. Also, Not like the other men who came into Seokjin's life just for fun and played around and then they went away in a form of 'ghosting' – well... Namjoon was so happy when he got Seokjin as a bride, as a wife, and took the marriage seriously.

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