The Wife

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"Hell is empty, and all the devils are here."

The Tempest – William Shakespeare

"Namjoon..." Seokjin kept on trying to persuade, he stroked Namjoon's hair and caressed the man's jaw. "I'm your wife... Don't hurt me..."

Would the man listen to Seokjin? Would the 'consent lesson' work like the plan? Or Namjoon basically a nasty beast like his parents?

"Seokjin. I want it." Namjoon leaned closer to kiss the pretty one.

But before Namjoon could reach Seokjin's lips, there were some mysterious friction sound on the bushes nearby. Not a hiss – but the slither across the grass made Seokjin startled and squealed, he closed his eyes and clung his arms on Namjoon's neck by reflex. Seokjin pulled Namjoon closer to hide his face on the man's crook. And then the unidentified animal jumped from the bushes into the springs river made a splash sound and then quiet again.

"Namjoon what's that?" Seokjin's voice tremble. His breath blew on Namjoon's neck. "I'm scared."

"It was just a lizard." Namjoon laughed and then he shifted his body, so that he could see Seokjin's face. He gently pinched Seokjin's chin and stared into the pretty one's beads. "He won't hurt you."

Seokjin at some point didn't understand why he must experience such 'into the wild moment' in between terror of horrible crazy family. He hated reptile, for once in the past he had to touch snake for magazine photoshoot. He hated it!

"The lizard won't hurt me?" Seokjin stuttered.

"No." Namjoon smiled. "You can trust me that no animal around here could hurt nor harm you. Not the lizard nor even the snake. There is no harmful poisonous snake even in the farm field. You are safe."

What kind of 'safe' exactly?

"No harmful poisonous snake around here?" Seokjin had to make sure because he wanted to check the right side of the cabin house. There were forest and meadow full of beautiful flowers, who knows what's lived around it? "Are you sure? What about python?"

"I lived here, for years. No crocodile. And no python. No weird animal." Namjoon reassured. "You are safe, I promise."

Hmm. No weird animal. They might be frightened of your weird family, Kim Namjoon.

"If that so..." Seokjin bit his lower lip. He pierced his gaze on Namjoon with hope that the sparks on his beads could do some magic. "If animal won't do harm, then you won't hurt me, right? You won't make me to feel in pain, right?

Namjoon knitted his eyebrows and tilted his head. The mention of animal though...

"Namjoon..." Seokjin caressed Namjoon's cheeks as he kept on staring the man. "You won't hurt me, right?"

Namjoon seemed confuse. "I –"

"Namjoon." Seokjin cupped Namjoon's face. "You are human, a person and husband. You are not animal. If you really want to touch me, then at least do it in a comfy mattress, make sure you prep me properly... And please if I'm not in a good condition, please don't force me..."

Namjoon seemed like he didn't fully understand the words but also seemed that he tried to consider the uncommon instruction. He never learn such things before.

"Please..." Seokjin stroked Namjoon's nape. "At least not here..."

Namjoon and Seokjin exchanged glances, they were staring each other. But before Namjoon could answer the request, there were sudden cold breeze came through caressing their skin and the sky turned gloomy.

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