The Patience

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"The two most powerful warriors are patience and time."

Leo Tolstoy


Short update. Enjoy reading! x)



Jiae – Seokjin's mother spent the evening alone inside Seokjin's old bedroom. The one bedroom which Seokjin used when he stayed at home. The one bedroom that was full with MappleStory and Super Mario figurine, the plushie doll which Seokjin ever collected when he was way younger.

Jiae looked up into the starry January sky through the glass window. She went quiet, as she absorbed the stillness of the daydream. The night was clear and the full moon was bright. Yet, the clear and bright scenery were in so much contary with the sadness she had to bear, as her gloomy soul wandering far far away into the unknown place.

"Look at the moon, Seokjinnie..." She smiled bitterly. "The moon is so beautiful... Just like you..."



NamJin – White Love

It was the last week of January, around 08.00 PM.

Seokjin was 18 weeks pregnant. And Namjoon was somewhat treated him good and gentle, the man was never again force him for an intercourse. Seokjin didn't know whether the man finally understood the lesson about consent or because he get used for not touching in two months so that afterwards he could manage himself to hold back, naturally.

Namjoon became much much more gentle. Maybe because Seokjin also didn't give up to talk and persuade whenever he got the chance, to tell the man 'Namjoon, you are doing great for not touching me for the whole two months. You know your mother said that you can have 'it' again when I reached the fourth months pregnancy, but anyway, please gently ask me and don't force me when I'm not in the mood, okay?' – the persuasion worked. Seokjin could said that the effort were succesful because Namjoon always asked him with the word 'please' and when Seokjin said No, Namjoon would only ask for a cuddle.

Weird, right? Seokjin couldn't totally understand the man, but for so many reason he had to convince himself that Namjoon was 'actually' pure and innocent – that the man actually had the capability to love, sincerely. That the only thing to blame was the parenting issue.

Ohh... Somehow Seokjin wanted to take Namjoon to run away with him and save the man from the shitheads parents. But with the way Namjoon had the tendency for being a 'momma's boy' it might be impossible. Ahh, whatever. He must find a way to save himself and escape – with or without Namjoon.

Anyway, it was the last week of January, and the weather was still freezing cold.

Seokjin and Namjoon sat on the carpet in the living room, they sat near the fireplace hearth to get some warm. Seokjin felt kinda okay physically since some couple weeks ago, so that he regained the mood to help Namjoon for learning to read. They continued the reading course regularly after dinner.

Well, Seokjin could manage the reading course with the help of crayons and drawing paper to teach, but somehow...

Really, Namjoon had difficulty in reading. And the man couldn't even spell nor write his own name. They stuck in A B C D E a b c d e F f G g H h I i J j K k L l M m N n with much concern in A I U E O and yet it took times to even spell KIM NAM – Like, why Namjoon was so slow? Like, What's wrong actually?

Namjoon had poor spelling and writing skills. Was it dyslexia? But dyslexia can only be formally diagnosed through a comprehensive evaluation by a reading specialist or psychologist, either at school or in the community. Seokjin didn't know what's wrong. Maybe Namjoon could do better if the parents didn't give up to teach when he was young, maybe it's already too late. But Seokjin at some certain point wanted Namjoon to at least could spell his own name.

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