Chapter Twenty-Four

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  ~ Now Playing, Turning Page Cover by Sydney Rose ~

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~ Now Playing, Turning Page Cover by Sydney Rose ~


"Bucky. Be careful, I don't need you falling as soon as you come home!" Odette scolded as she helped him up the front steps.

After two weeks of observation and tests, Bucky was finally released from the hospital. He couldn't be more eager to come home with his family. Which is why he was currently trying to sprint up the stairs to enter his home.

"Honey, I'm fine. Stop mothering me." He said as he smiled over at her, earning a firm look from her. He chuckled as he stepped in-front of the door, smiling briefly before opening the door.

He took in a deep breath as he entered the living room, Odette following closely behind him. Avery waddled in beside her, watching Bucky closely as they walked towards the couch. Odette held her arm out and she helped him lower himself onto the couch, he let her even though he could do it.

"Thank you sweetheart." He whispered as he kissed her hand. She smiled before looking to Avery who was holding his blanket tightly in his tiny hands.

"Come on honey, let's go get you ready for a nap." She said before he jumped onto the couch, rooting beside Bucky. He shook his head quickly as Odette placed her hands on her hips, tilting her head slightly.

"Go on pal, I'll be here when you get up. Listen to momma. Go cuddle up with Bud." Bucky said as he looked down at Avery.

Reluctantly, Avery stood up and started towards the stairs dragging his blanket behind him. Bud followed closely behind him, his tail wagging happily. Odette smiled before following behind him, she picked him up as she opened the gate and started up the stairs. She moved aside as Bud ran into Avery's room, she placed Avery on the ground before he walked into his room slowly.

She watched as Avery patted the bed for Bud to hop in beside him. When he did, Avery snuggled in against him covering them both in his blanket. O walked over placing a kiss on both of their heads before heading back towards the door.


"Yes honey?"

"I love you" Avery whispered.

She paused and turned to face him slowly, tears building up in the corners of her eyes.

"I love you too honey, so very much." She replied with a soft smile, Avery smiled brightly before closing his eyes.

O wiped her face before closing his door gently, making a quick trip into the bedroom. She grabbed two pillows and the blanket off of their bed then headed downstairs. She closed the gates behind her, checking them two times before she was satisfied. Bucky watched as she dropped the items on the couch beside him before walking into the kitchen.

"Honey. Come sit down! I wanna relax with my woman for a while. You need to relax!" Bucky semi shouted after her.

But she didn't respond.

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