8. Echo

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Kairn -

some say the world is going to end in fire how do you believe the world was ending ice but I think the world would end if it ever did and doing to peoples jealousy and anger  jealousy and arrogance .

because they can't except the people or or realize the fact that you were better off without them and sometimes people like to just whine and moan and ground about how you're you know doing much better without them and that you're doing a lot better and really,

Peter and I are doing much better than I could've ever anticipated us because we live in a completely different country now and we're raising awareness for a disease that no one has ever talked about and no one has ever heard about. It's very scary and it's a very
scary about these people because you don't know where you're going or what you're doing and I think in the book that I'm about to publish next I think lots of people could learn from this book you don't always have to be bad you don't always have to be sad that you don't always have to be scared.

You don't know how to accept the fact that you could go on and be happy and continue to live life because if you don't, if you don't realize the extent of what you're doing an up an extensive peoples problems, you're gonna have a lot of issues later on and that can't happen I just can't happen so you have to get on with life in a way and be you know excepting of what's happening and it's really sad and it's really scary but you just gotta keep on going and never stop like you have to move on and don't look back like you gotta keep going.


there are times where you just have to continue to count your blessings and keep on moving forward you just can't you know have pity parties every single day like every day that I go online and I know talk about my wife and how my life is now I'm really really grateful that I even got to be married to her and that you know there were no complications when he came into the world.

There is just so many things to think before and last and you don't know what you're doing and you don't know how quickly something can change my name to reality it could all change in just a second you know your whole life could be upside down in the instant, and I am very grateful and lucky for the life that I have now because I could still be miserable.

I could still be sad and suffering at the hands of my skin flute boss and we're almost on our way to being free and I know it's all because of the girls and the determination that they put us along with the team work at these girls still,

I know eventually we're gonna get out of a white piece pledges and I think that's a person within itself and I'm gonna continue to fight for that blessing and live it because every day is a miracle fight for it.

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