25: cinnamon

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San -

if you would've asked me a year ago,

If I'd be sitting in a bathtub with my best friend after seeing her give birth to two unexpected children I would've said you're lying because I didn't see myself doing it but

I don't know something about Sun Chin and Dal unexpected arrival made Liz and I incredibly Close don't give me wrong.

Chris is a great dad and then go to the father. If he doesn't take away from your skin Santa soon all things are gonna go to hell.

I mean the psycho had already kidnapped sunshine when she was a baby because he was so upset that Melody Nori  had made an  unexpected arrival Sometimes you ask yourself what did I do wrong like what did I do wrong?

You didn't do anything wrong and I think that's like my biggest blessing with me tonight from JYP's company I think I'm really grateful for that because getting away from him I think I literally dodged a bullet but my best friend Liz ,

she married Chris she's kind of stuck with his clutches of JYP

but he's a great dad so I got to give him credit for that man it's cool but as we wait for our last and unexpected arrival, I just think how does she not know but then again, my best friend always looks really hot and sexy and everything that she wears, the ice don't know how this happened again .

I mean they're grateful but they say freeze enough you kind of got to do something about it but it's funny they all went to children but they just went unexpected which is really funny how the kids made the revival Melody. She is such a little firecracker and she's so smart and

I know she'll be an amazing actress in a few years as soon as she's old enough to meet the criteria for a child sitcom on sunshine she's a few weeks older than .

Melody I can't even fathom what incredible things that she will do. That girl will probably have her own show or something or charity.

I just cannot wait to see what she will do. Nari is really something to I had never ever and I mean ever seen a boy that intelligent before he is a killer .

I mean he already has kilo pipes like his dad how much is the visuals and determination and intelligence like his mother I don't even want to know if that boy will do I mean he's gonna be a heartbreaker one day, but in a good way, he won't play with the women's heart.

He'll play with the paper plane first but I know he'll have to reject a lot of girls when they try to come for him for his money and away which is so disgusting but that's just how the world is.

I think about these kids all the time and how wonderful they are but then there's my beloved nephew, Dal He's just incredible as well like you don't think about it about like any body else like the way you think about these kids you can't help but wonder where you're going to be in a few years however, times like this haunt me and I begin to wonder where .

I'm going in life and what I'm doing but you know some thing the more that you do things to yourself and wonder where you're going in life That's when it all falls in the place. I'm amazed at her strength she hasn't even cry it out but then again,

I don't think we would've noticed anything was wrong because she likes to wait till last minute till she's dying or you know we never know with her because she doesn't complain about anything.

She always tries to push herself into the break of insanity, I would've never known she was sick again or what I thought would be a ruptured appendix or ruptured kidney okay  I doubt that can happen but what do I know I'm just an idol not a doctor but when I seen blood went down her leg.

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