30. Then

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Chris -
another day another reason for a couple weeks that God has blessed me with free, healthy and unexpected children. My family is my life and I just think God that Liz is OK because with sunshine you know I had gotten there and they were already rushing her to L&D
with Dale you know we had at least 10 hours to let it kick in with suntan.

We only had 30 minutes to even try to process what was happening because she just didn't know and with Ivy I mean I got there within the hour, and we were very lucky you know that I got to be there and thank God for San  I mean I have Innoway been thinking God tremendously for letting me be a part of anything really anything because I didn't have to be a part of anything.

I could've easily been you know stuck at the studio I mean not really that I could've really missed my kids but I mean can you try to be appreciative you know the process that goes with it I mean you really try to do it is really really really hard to be appreciative knowing and I know that part of me chose to job,

but I also chose to be there for my family and honest, and I've ever be Kairn and idol and mean and idol hey so I could get that family for for helping me because I did not have to do that would've taken that money with them selves and they would've left their family and I cannot and I will not ever do that. I can't do that I won't do that.

I can never do that and I don't know how people are even able to do that too. How do you how can you just be so hateful and ungrateful someone that has literally sacrificed everything for you everything .

I mean absolutely everything and you ask questions over and over again like how do we how how to how do we say grateful to Halloween how do you to say thank you to people who sacrificed time are willing to literally suffer just so you can have the meal that you were wanting to eat that day and I in addition to that know
that So whole heartedly .


honey why do you look so sad you look like you just seen a ghost or something that scared you what is bothering you honey that's what I want to know


I want to know what is bothering you so I can so I can help you because you look so sad and I'd like to know why .

I could help you because you don't look very happy and I'd like to fix that like what is like what is bothering you my love

I'd like to know what is bothering you so I can help fix it I'd like to know why you were so upset so I can fix it I love to help others and I know that something is bothering you so please tell me honey you're not thinking of your boss are you honey we talked about this you know that he just does skin right like .

I hope you I hope you understand that everything that this person is doing is to get under your skin, do you know that he has never ever ever like right know that I don't think he realizes how lucky it because

he lost how many trainees to the wishy-washiness how many training as he blocks because of his recklessness right so I don't ever want you like you're not a good person because you are a great person and good people know what it is inside them that makes a person OK I really really really want you to understand that OK I love you.
You are so beautiful.

Chris -

I love you so so much honey thank you for everything. I don't know where I would be without your loving support.

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